Source code for pyrtl.passes

Passes contains prebuilt transformantion passes to do optimization,
lowering of the design to single wire gates (synthesis), along with other
ways to change a block.

import collections

from .core import working_block, set_working_block, _get_debug_mode, LogicNet, PostSynthBlock
from .helperfuncs import _NetCount
from .corecircuits import (_basic_mult, _basic_add, _basic_sub, _basic_eq,
                           _basic_lt, _basic_gt, _basic_select, concat_list,
                           as_wires, concat)
from .memory import MemBlock
from .pyrtlexceptions import PyrtlError, PyrtlInternalError
from .wire import WireVector, Input, Output, Const, Register
from .transform import net_transform, _get_new_block_mem_instance, copy_block, replace_wires
from . import transform
from pyrtl import wire  # transform.all_nets looks better than all_nets

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#   __   __  ___           __      ___    __
#  /  \ |__)  |  |  |\/| |  /  /\   |  | /  \ |\ |
#  \__/ |     |  |  |  | | /_ /~~\  |  | \__/ | \|

[docs] def optimize(update_working_block=True, block=None, skip_sanity_check=False): """ Return an optimized version of a synthesized hardware block. :param bool update_working_block: Don't copy the block and optimize the new block (defaults to True) :param Block block: the block to optimize (defaults to working block) :param bool skip_sanity_check: Don't perform sanity checks on the block before/during/after the optimization passes (defaults to False). Sanity checks will always be performed if in debug mode. Note: optimize works on all hardware designs, both synthesized and non synthesized """ block = working_block(block) if not update_working_block: block = copy_block(block) with set_working_block(block, no_sanity_check=True): if (not skip_sanity_check) or _get_debug_mode(): block.sanity_check() _remove_wire_nets(block, skip_sanity_check) _remove_slice_nets(block, skip_sanity_check) constant_propagation(block, True) _remove_unlistened_nets(block) common_subexp_elimination(block) if (not skip_sanity_check) or _get_debug_mode(): block.sanity_check() return block
class _ProducerList(object): """ Maps from wire to its immediate producer and finds ultimate producers. """ def __init__(self): self.dict = {} # map from wirevector to its direct producer wirevector def __getitem__(self, item): # this is really to make pylint happy raise PyrtlError("You usually don't want the immediate producer") def __setitem__(self, key, item): self.dict[key] = item def find_producer(self, item): if item in self.dict: return self.find_producer(self.dict[item]) else: return item def _remove_wire_nets(block, skip_sanity_check=False): """ Remove all wire nodes from the block. """ wire_src_dict = _ProducerList() wire_removal_set = set() # set of all wirevectors to be removed # one pass to build the map of value producers and # all of the nets and wires to be removed for net in block.logic: if net.op == 'w': wire_src_dict[net.dests[0]] = net.args[0] if not isinstance(net.dests[0], Output): wire_removal_set.add(net.dests[0]) # second full pass to create the new logic without the wire nets new_logic = set() for net in block.logic: if net.op != 'w' or isinstance(net.dests[0], Output): new_args = tuple(wire_src_dict.find_producer(x) for x in net.args) new_net = LogicNet(net.op, net.op_param, new_args, net.dests) new_logic.add(new_net) # now update the block with the new logic and remove wirevectors block.logic = new_logic for dead_wirevector in wire_removal_set: block.remove_wirevector(dead_wirevector) if (not skip_sanity_check) or _get_debug_mode(): block.sanity_check() def _remove_slice_nets(block, skip_sanity_check=False): """ Remove all unneeded slice nodes from the block. Unneeded here means that the source and destination wires of a slice net are exactly the same, because the slice takes all the bits, in order, from the source. """ # Turns a net of form on the left into the one on the right: # # w1 # | # [3:0] # | # [3:0] ===> w1 # | | # [3:0] w2 [3:0] w2 # / \ / / \ / # ~ + ~ + # | | | | wire_src_dict = _ProducerList() wire_removal_set = set() # set of all wirevectors to be removed def is_net_slicing_entire_wire(net): if net.op != 's': return False src_wire = net.args[0] dst_wire = net.dests[0] if len(src_wire) != len(dst_wire): return False selLower = net.op_param[0] selUpper = net.op_param[-1] # Check if getting all bits from the src_wire (i.e. consecutive bits, MSB to LSB) return net.op_param == tuple(range(selLower, selUpper + 1)) # one pass to build the map of value producers and # all of the nets and wires to be removed for net in block.logic: if is_net_slicing_entire_wire(net): wire_src_dict[net.dests[0]] = net.args[0] if not isinstance(net.dests[0], Output): wire_removal_set.add(net.dests[0]) # second full pass to create the new logic without the wire nets new_logic = set() for net in block.logic: if not is_net_slicing_entire_wire(net) or isinstance(net.dests[0], Output): new_args = tuple(wire_src_dict.find_producer(x) for x in net.args) new_net = LogicNet(net.op, net.op_param, new_args, net.dests) new_logic.add(new_net) # now update the block with the new logic and remove wirevectors block.logic = new_logic for dead_wirevector in wire_removal_set: del block.wirevector_by_name[] block.wirevector_set.remove(dead_wirevector) if (not skip_sanity_check) or _get_debug_mode(): block.sanity_check()
[docs] def constant_propagation(block, silence_unexpected_net_warnings=False): """ Removes excess constants in the block. Note on resulting block: The output of the block can have WireVectors that are driven but not listened to. This is to be expected. These are to be removed by :py:func:`._remove_unlistened_nets` """ net_count = _NetCount(block) while net_count.shrinking(): _constant_prop_pass(block, silence_unexpected_net_warnings)
def _constant_prop_pass(block, silence_unexpected_net_warnings=False): """ Does one constant propagation pass """ valid_net_ops = '~&|^nrwcsm@' no_optimization_ops = 'wcsm@' one_var_ops = { '~': lambda x, mask: ~x & mask, 'r': lambda x, _: x # This is only valid for constant folding purposes } two_var_ops = { '&': lambda left, right: left & right, '|': lambda left, right: left | right, '^': lambda left, right: left ^ right, 'n': lambda left, right: 1 - (left & right), } def _constant_prop_error(net, error_str): if not silence_unexpected_net_warnings: raise PyrtlError("Unexpected net, {}, has {}".format(net, error_str)) def constant_prop_check(net_checking): def replace_net(new_net): nets_to_remove.add(net_checking) nets_to_add.add(new_net) def replace_net_with_const(const_val): bitwidth = len(net_checking.dests[0]) new_const_wire = Const(bitwidth=bitwidth, val=const_val, block=block) wire_add_set.add(new_const_wire) replace_net_with_wire(new_const_wire) def replace_net_with_wire(new_wire): if isinstance(net_checking.dests[0], Output): replace_net(LogicNet('w', None, args=(new_wire,), dests=net_checking.dests)) else: nets_to_remove.add(net_checking) new_wire_src[net_checking.dests[0]] = new_wire if net_checking.op not in valid_net_ops: _constant_prop_error(net_checking, "has a net not handled by constant_propagation") return # skip if we are ignoring unoptimizable ops num_constants = sum((isinstance(arg, Const) for arg in net_checking.args)) if num_constants == 0 or net_checking.op in no_optimization_ops: return # assuming wire nets are already optimized if (net_checking.op in two_var_ops) and num_constants == 1: long_wires = [w for w in net_checking.args + net_checking.dests if len(w) != 1] if len(long_wires): _constant_prop_error(net_checking, "has wire(s) {} with bitwidths that are not 1" .format(long_wires)) return # skip if we are ignoring unoptimizable ops # special case const_wire, other_wire = net_checking.args if isinstance(other_wire, Const): const_wire, other_wire = other_wire, const_wire outputs = [two_var_ops[net_checking.op](const_wire.val, other_val) for other_val in (0, 1)] if outputs[0] == outputs[1]: replace_net_with_const(outputs[0]) elif outputs[0] == 0: replace_net_with_wire(other_wire) else: replace_net(LogicNet('~', None, args=(other_wire,), dests=net_checking.dests)) else: # this optimization is actually compatible with long wires if net_checking.op in two_var_ops: output = two_var_ops[net_checking.op](net_checking.args[0].val, net_checking.args[1].val) else: output = one_var_ops[net_checking.op](net_checking.args[0].val, net_checking.args[0].bitmask) replace_net_with_const(output) new_wire_src = _ProducerList() wire_add_set = set() nets_to_add = set() nets_to_remove = set() for a_net in block.logic: constant_prop_check(a_net) # second full pass to cleanup new_logic = set() for net in block.logic.union(nets_to_add) - nets_to_remove: new_args = tuple(new_wire_src.find_producer(x) for x in net.args) new_net = LogicNet(net.op, net.op_param, new_args, net.dests) new_logic.add(new_net) block.logic = new_logic for new_wirevector in wire_add_set: block.add_wirevector(new_wirevector) _remove_unused_wires(block)
[docs] def common_subexp_elimination(block=None, abs_thresh=1, percent_thresh=0): """ Common Subexpression Elimination for PyRTL blocks. :param Block block: the block to run the subexpression elimination on :param float abs_thresh: absolute threshold for stopping optimization :param float percent_thresh: percent threshold for stopping optimization """ block = working_block(block) net_count = _NetCount(block) while net_count.shrinking(block, percent_thresh, abs_thresh): net_table = _find_common_subexps(block) _replace_subexps(block, net_table)
ops_where_arg_order_matters = 'm@xc<>-' def _find_common_subexps(block): """ Finds nets that can be considered the same based on op type, op param, and arguments. :param block: Block to operate over :return dict[LogicNet, [LogicNet]]: mapping from a logic net (with a placehold dest) representing the common subexp, to a list of nets matching that common subexp that can be replaced with the single common subexp. Nets are the "same" if 1) their op types are the same, 2) their op_params are the same (e.g. same memory if a memory-related op), and 3) their arguments are the same (same constant value and bitwidth for const wires, otherwise same wire object). The destination wire for a net is not considered. """ net_table = {} # {net (without dest) : [net, ...] t = tuple() # just a placeholder const_dict = {} for net in block.logic: if net.op in ops_where_arg_order_matters: new_args = tuple(_const_to_int(w, const_dict) for w in net.args) else: new_args = tuple(sorted((_const_to_int(w, const_dict) for w in net.args), key=hash)) net_sub = LogicNet(net[0], net[1], new_args, t) # don't care about dests if net_sub in net_table: net_table[net_sub].append(net) else: net_table[net_sub] = [net] return net_table def _const_to_int(wire, const_dict): """ Return a repr a Const (a tuple composed of width and value) for comparison with an 'is'. If the wire is not a Const, just return the wire itself; comparison will be done on the identity of the wire object instead. """ if isinstance(wire, Const): # a very bad hack to make sure two consts will compare # correctly with an 'is' bitwidth = wire.bitwidth val = wire.val if bitwidth not in const_dict: const_dict[bitwidth] = {val: (bitwidth, val)} else: if val not in const_dict[bitwidth]: const_dict[bitwidth][val] = (bitwidth, val) return const_dict[bitwidth][val] return wire def _replace_subexps(block, net_table): """ Removes unnecessary nets, connecting the common net's dest wire to unnecessary net's dest. :param block: The block to operate over. :param net_table: A mapping from common subexpression (a net) to a list of nets that can be replaced with that common net. """ wire_map = {} unnecessary_nets = [] for nets in net_table.values(): _process_nets_to_discard(nets, wire_map, unnecessary_nets) block.logic.difference_update(unnecessary_nets) replace_wires(wire_map, block) def _has_normal_dest_wire(net): return not isinstance(net.dests[0], (Register, Output)) def _process_nets_to_discard(nets, wire_map, unnecessary_nets): """ Helper for tracking how a group of related nets should be replaced with a common one. :param nets: List of nets that are considered equal and which should be replaced by a single common net. :param wire_map: Dict that will be updated with a mapping from every old destination wire that needs to be removed, to the new destination wire with which it should be replaced. :param unnecessary_nets: List of nets that are to be discarded. """ if len(nets) == 1: return # also deals with nets with no dest wires nets_to_consider = list(filter(_has_normal_dest_wire, nets)) if len(nets_to_consider) > 1: # needed to handle cases with only special wires net_to_keep = nets_to_consider[0] nets_to_discard = nets_to_consider[1:] dest_w = net_to_keep.dests[0] for net in nets_to_discard: old_dst = net.dests[0] wire_map[old_dst] = dest_w unnecessary_nets.append(net) def _remove_unlistened_nets(block): """ Removes all nets that are not connected to an output wirevector. :param block: The block to operate over. """ listened_nets = set() listened_wires = set() prev_listened_net_count = 0 def add_to_listened(net): listened_nets.add(net) listened_wires.update(net.args) for a_net in block.logic: if a_net.op == '@': add_to_listened(a_net) elif any(isinstance(destW, Output) for destW in a_net.dests): add_to_listened(a_net) while len(listened_nets) > prev_listened_net_count: prev_listened_net_count = len(listened_nets) for net in block.logic - listened_nets: if any((destWire in listened_wires) for destWire in net.dests): add_to_listened(net) block.logic = listened_nets _remove_unused_wires(block) def _remove_unused_wires(block, keep_inputs=True): """ Removes all unconnected wires from a block's wirevector_set. :param block: The block to operate over. :param keep_inputs: If True, retain any Input wires that are not connected to any net. """ valid_wires = set() for logic_net in block.logic: valid_wires.update(logic_net.args, logic_net.dests) wire_removal_set = block.wirevector_set.difference(valid_wires) for removed_wire in wire_removal_set: if isinstance(removed_wire, Input): term = " optimized away" if keep_inputs: valid_wires.add(removed_wire) term = " deemed useless by optimization" print("Input Wire, " + + " has been" + term) if isinstance(removed_wire, Output): PyrtlInternalError("Output wire, " + + " not driven") block.wirevector_set = valid_wires block.wirevector_by_name = { wire for wire in valid_wires} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # __ ___ ___ __ __ # /__` \ / |\ | | |__| |__ /__` | /__` # .__/ | | \| | | | |___ .__/ | .__/ #
[docs] def synthesize(update_working_block=True, merge_io_vectors=True, block=None): """Lower the design to just single-bit "and", "or", "xor", and "not" gates. :param bool update_working_block: Boolean specifying if working block should be set to the newly synthesized block. :param bool merge_io_wirevectors: if False, turn all N-bit IO wirevectors into N 1-bit IO wirevectors (i.e. don't maintain interface). :param Block block: The block you want to synthesize. :return: The newly synthesized block (of type :py:class:`.PostSynthBlock`). Takes as input a block (default to working block) and creates a new block which is identical in function but uses only single bit gates and excludes many of the more complicated primitives. The new block should consist *almost* exclusively of the combination elements of ``w``, ``&``, ``\\|``, ``^``, and ``~`` and sequential elements of registers (which are one bit as well). The two exceptions are for inputs/outputs (so that we can keep the same interface) which are immediately broken down into the individual bits and memories (read and write ports) which require the reassembly and disassembly of the wirevectors immediately before and after. These are the only two places where ``c`` and ``s`` ops should exist. If `merge_io_vectors` is False, then these individual bits are not reassembled and disassembled before and after, and so no ``c`` and ``s`` ops will exist. Instead, they will be named `<name>[n]`, where `n` is the bit number of original wire to which it corresponds. The block that results from synthesis is actually of type :py:class:`.PostSynthBlock` which contains a mapping from the original inputs and outputs to the inputs and outputs of this block. This is used during simulation to map the input/outputs so that the same testbench can be used both pre and post synthesis (see documentation for :py:class:`.Simulation` for more details). """ block_pre = working_block(block) block_pre.sanity_check() # before going further, make sure that presynth is valid block_in = copy_block(block_pre, update_working_block=False) block_out = PostSynthBlock() # resulting block should only have one of a restricted set of net ops block_out.legal_ops = set('~&|^nrwm@') if merge_io_vectors: block_out.legal_ops.update(set('cs')) wirevector_map = {} # map from (vector,index) -> new_wire with set_working_block(block_out, no_sanity_check=True): # First, replace advanced operators with simpler ones for op, fun in [ ('*', _basic_mult), ('+', _basic_add), ('-', _basic_sub), ('x', _basic_select), ('=', _basic_eq), ('<', _basic_lt), ('>', _basic_gt)]: net_transform(_replace_op(op, fun), block_in) # This is a map from the cloned io wirevector created in copy_block, # to the original io wirevector found in block_pre. We use it to create # the block_out.io_map that is returned to the user. orig_io_map = {temp: orig for orig, temp in block_in.io_map.items()} orig_reg_map = {temp: orig for orig, temp in block_in.reg_map.items()} # Next, create all of the new wires for the new block # from the original wires and store them in the wirevector_map # for reference. for wirevector in block_in.wirevector_subset(): for i in range(len(wirevector)): new_name = '_'.join((, 'synth', str(i))) if isinstance(wirevector, Const): new_val = (wirevector.val >> i) & 0x1 new_wirevector = Const(name=new_name, bitwidth=1, val=new_val) elif isinstance(wirevector, (Input, Output)): if merge_io_vectors: new_wirevector = WireVector(name="tmp_" + new_name, bitwidth=1) else: # Creating N 1-bit io wires for a given single N-bit io wire. new_name = if len(wirevector) > 1: new_name += '[' + str(i) + ']' new_wirevector = wirevector.__class__(name=new_name, bitwidth=1) block_out.io_map[orig_io_map[wirevector]].append(new_wirevector) else: new_wirevector = wirevector.__class__(name=new_name, bitwidth=1) if isinstance(wirevector, Register): block_out.reg_map[orig_reg_map[wirevector]].append(new_wirevector) wirevector_map[(wirevector, i)] = new_wirevector # Now connect up the inputs and outputs to maintain the interface if merge_io_vectors: for wirevector in block_in.wirevector_subset(Input): input_vector = Input(, bitwidth=len(wirevector)) for i in range(len(wirevector)): wirevector_map[(wirevector, i)] <<= input_vector[i] block_out.io_map[orig_io_map[wirevector]].append(input_vector) for wirevector in block_in.wirevector_subset(Output): output_vector = Output(, bitwidth=len(wirevector)) output_bits = [wirevector_map[(wirevector, i)] for i in range(len(output_vector))] output_vector <<= concat_list(output_bits) block_out.io_map[orig_io_map[wirevector]].append(output_vector) # Now that we have all the wires built and mapped, walk all the blocks # and map the logic to the equivalent set of primitives in the system out_mems = block_out.mem_map # dictionary: PreSynth Map -> PostSynth Map for net in block_in.logic: _decompose(net, wirevector_map, out_mems, block_out) if update_working_block: set_working_block(block_out, no_sanity_check=True) return block_out
def _replace_op(op, fun): def _replace_op_inner(net): if net.op != op: return True dest = net.dests[0] dest <<= fun(*net.args) return False return _replace_op_inner def _decompose(net, wv_map, mems, block_out): """ Add the wires and logicnets to block_out and wv_map to decompose net """ def arg(x, i): # return the mapped wire vector for argument x, wire number i return wv_map[(net.args[x], i)] def destlen(): # return iterator over length of the destination in bits return range(len(net.dests[0])) def assign_dest(i, v): # assign v to the wiremap for dest[0], wire i wv_map[(net.dests[0], i)] <<= v one_var_ops = { 'w': lambda w: w, '~': lambda w: ~w, } c_two_var_ops = { '&': lambda left, right: left & right, '|': lambda left, right: left | right, '^': lambda left, right: left ^ right, 'n': lambda left, right: left.nand(right), } if net.op in one_var_ops: for i in destlen(): assign_dest(i, one_var_ops[net.op](arg(0, i))) elif net.op in c_two_var_ops: for i in destlen(): assign_dest(i, c_two_var_ops[net.op](arg(0, i), arg(1, i))) elif net.op == 's': for i in destlen(): selected_bit = arg(0, net.op_param[i]) assign_dest(i, selected_bit) elif net.op == 'c': arg_wirelist = [] # generate list of wires for vectors being concatenated for arg_vector in net.args: arg_vector_as_list = [wv_map[(arg_vector, i)] for i in range(len(arg_vector))] arg_wirelist = arg_vector_as_list + arg_wirelist for i in destlen(): assign_dest(i, arg_wirelist[i]) elif net.op == 'r': for i in destlen(): args = (arg(0, i),) dests = (wv_map[(net.dests[0], i)],) new_net = LogicNet('r', None, args=args, dests=dests) block_out.add_net(new_net) elif net.op == 'm': arg0list = [arg(0, i) for i in range(len(net.args[0]))] addr = concat_list(arg0list) new_mem = _get_new_block_mem_instance(net.op_param, mems, block_out)[1] data = as_wires(new_mem[addr]) for i in destlen(): assign_dest(i, data[i]) elif net.op == '@': addrlist = [arg(0, i) for i in range(len(net.args[0]))] addr = concat_list(addrlist) datalist = [arg(1, i) for i in range(len(net.args[1]))] data = concat_list(datalist) enable = arg(2, 0) new_mem = _get_new_block_mem_instance(net.op_param, mems, block_out)[1] new_mem[addr] <<= MemBlock.EnabledWrite(data=data, enable=enable) else: raise PyrtlInternalError('Unable to synthesize the following net ' 'due to unimplemented op :\n%s' % str(net)) return
[docs] @transform.all_nets def nand_synth(net): """Synthesizes a :py:class:`.PostSynthBlock` into one consisting of nands and inverters in place :param PostSynthBlock block: The block to synthesize. """ if net.op in '~nrwcsm@': return True def arg(num): return net.args[num] dest = net.dests[0] if net.op == '&': dest <<= ~(arg(0).nand(arg(1))) elif net.op == '|': dest <<= (~arg(0)).nand(~arg(1)) elif net.op == '^': temp_0 = arg(0).nand(arg(1)) dest <<= temp_0.nand(arg(0)).nand(temp_0.nand(arg(1))) else: raise PyrtlError("Op, '{}' is not supported in nand_synth".format(net.op))
[docs] @transform.all_nets def and_inverter_synth(net): """ Transforms a decomposed block into one consisting of ands and inverters in place :param Block block: The block to synthesize """ if net.op in '~&rwcsm@': return True def arg(num): return net.args[num] dest = net.dests[0] if net.op == '|': dest <<= ~(~arg(0) & ~arg(1)) elif net.op == '^': all_1 = arg(0) & arg(1) all_0 = ~arg(0) & ~arg(1) dest <<= all_0 & ~all_1 elif net.op == 'n': dest <<= ~(arg(0) & arg(1)) else: raise PyrtlError("Op, '{}' is not supported in and_inv_synth".format(net.op))
[docs] @transform.all_nets def two_way_concat(net): """Transforms a block so all n-way (n > 2) :py:func:`concats<.concat>` are replaced with series of 2-way :py:func:`concats<.concat>`. :param Block block: The block to transform This is useful for preparing the netlist for output to other formats, like FIRRTL or BTOR2, whose `concatenate` operation (`cat` and `concat`, respectively), only allow two arguments (most-significant wire and least-significant wire). """ # Turns a netlist of the form (where [] denote nets): # # w1 w2 w3 # | | | # [concat] # | # w4 # # into: # # w1 w2 w3 # | | | # [concat] | # | | # [concat] # | # [wire] # | # w4 if net.op != 'c': return True if len(net.args) <= 2: return True w = concat(net.args[0], net.args[1]) for a in net.args[2:]: w = concat(w, a) dest = net.dests[0] dest <<= w
[docs] @transform.all_nets def one_bit_selects(net): """Converts arbitrary-sliced :py:func:`selects<.select>` to concatenations of 1-bit :py:func:`selects<.select>`. :param Block block: The block to transform This is useful for preparing the netlist for output to other formats, like FIRRTL or BTOR2, whose `select` operation (`bits` and `slice`, respectively) require contiguous ranges. Python slices are not necessarily contiguous ranges, e.g. the range `[::2]` (syntactic sugar for `slice(None, None, 2)`) produces indices 0, 2, 4, etc. up to the length of the list on which it is used. """ if net.op != 's': return True catlist = [net.args[0][i] for i in net.op_param] dest = net.dests[0] dest <<= concat_list(catlist)
def direct_connect_outputs(block=None): """ Remove 'w' nets immediately before outputs, if possible. :param block: block to update (defaults to working block) The 'w' nets that are eligible for removal with this pass meet the following requirements: * The destination wirevector of the net is an Output * The source wirevector of the net doesn't go to any other nets. """ # Turns a netlist of the form (where [] denote nets and o is an Output): # # w1 w2 # | | # [*] # | # w3 # | # [w] # | # o # # into: # # w1 w2 # | | # [*] # | # o # NOTE: would use transform.all_nets(), but it becomes tricky when # we want to remove more than just the current net on a single pass block = working_block(block) _, dst_nets = block.net_connections() nets_to_remove = set() nets_to_add = set() wirevectors_to_remove = set() for net in block.logic: if net.op == '@': continue dest_wire = net.dests[0] if dest_wire not in dst_nets or len(dst_nets[dest_wire]) > 1: continue dst_net = dst_nets[dest_wire][0] if dst_net.op != 'w' or not isinstance(dst_net.dests[0], Output): continue new_net = LogicNet( op=net.op, op_param=net.op_param, args=net.args, dests=dst_net.dests, ) nets_to_remove.add(net) nets_to_remove.add(dst_net) wirevectors_to_remove.add(dst_net.args[0]) nets_to_add.add(new_net) block.logic.difference_update(nets_to_remove) block.logic.update(nets_to_add) for w in wirevectors_to_remove: block.remove_wirevector(w) def _make_tree(wire, block, curr_fanout): def f(w, n): if n == 1: return (w,) else: l_fanout = n // 2 r_fanout = n - l_fanout o = WireVector(len(w), block=block) split_net = LogicNet( op='w', op_param=None, args=(w,), dests=(o,), ) block.add_net(split_net) return f(o, l_fanout) + f(o, r_fanout) return f(wire, curr_fanout) def two_way_fanout(block=None): """ Update the block such that no wire goes to more than 2 destination nets :param block: block to update (defaults to working block) """ from .analysis import fanout block = working_block(block) _, dst_map = block.net_connections() # Two-pass approach: Remember which nets will need to change, in case # there are multiple arguments which will be changing along the way. nets_to_update = collections.defaultdict(list) for wire in block.wirevector_subset(exclude=(Output)): curr_fanout = fanout(wire) if curr_fanout > 1: s = _make_tree(wire, block, curr_fanout) curr_ix = 0 for dst_net in dst_map[wire]: for i, arg in enumerate(dst_net.args): if arg is wire: nets_to_update[dst_net].append((wire, i, s[curr_ix])) curr_ix += 1 if curr_ix != curr_fanout: raise PyrtlInternalError("Calculated fanout does not equal number of wires found") for old_net, args in nets_to_update.items(): def get_arg(i, a): for orig, ix, from_tree in args: # Checking index as well because the same wire could be # used as multiple arguments to the same net. if i == ix and a is orig: return from_tree return a new_net = LogicNet( op=old_net.op, op_param=old_net.op_param, args=tuple(get_arg(ix, a) for ix, a in enumerate(old_net.args)), dests=old_net.dests ) block.add_net(new_net) block.logic.remove(old_net)