Source code for pyrtl.corecircuits

""" Some useful hardware generators (e.g. muxes, signed multipliers, etc.)  """

import itertools
import math

from .pyrtlexceptions import PyrtlError, PyrtlInternalError
from .core import LogicNet, working_block
from .wire import Const, WireVector, WrappedWireVector
from pyrtl.rtllib import barrel
from pyrtl.rtllib import muxes
from .conditional import otherwise

[docs] def mux(index, *mux_ins, **kwargs): """Multiplexer returning the value of the wire from `mux_ins` according to `index`. :param WireVector index: used as the select input to the multiplexer :param WireVector mux_ins: additional WireVector arguments selected when select>1 :param WireVector kwargs: additional WireVectors, keyword arg "default" If you are selecting between fewer items than your index can address, you can use the `default` keyword argument to auto-expand those terms. For example, if you have a 3-bit index but are selecting between 6 options, you need to specify a value for those other 2 possible values of index (0b110 and 0b111). :return: WireVector of length of the longest input (not including `index`) To avoid confusion, if you are using the mux where the index is a "predicate" (meaning something that you are checking the truth value of rather than using it as a number) it is recommended that you use :func:`.select` instead as named arguments because the ordering is different from the classic ternary operator of some languages. Example of multiplexing between ``a0`` and ``a1``: :: index = WireVector(1) mux(index, a0, a1) Example of multiplexing between ``a0``, ``a1``, ``a2``, ``a3``: :: index = WireVector(2) mux(index, a0, a1, a2, a3) Example of `default` to specify additional arguments: :: index = WireVector(3) mux(index, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, default=0) """ if kwargs: # only "default" is allowed as kwarg. if len(kwargs) != 1 or 'default' not in kwargs: try: result = select(index, **kwargs) import warnings warnings.warn("Predicates are being deprecated in Mux. " "Use the select operator instead.", stacklevel=2) return result except Exception: bad_args = [k for k in kwargs.keys() if k != 'default'] raise PyrtlError('unknown keywords %s applied to mux' % str(bad_args)) default = kwargs['default'] else: default = None # find the diff between the addressable range and number of inputs given index = as_wires(index) short_by = 2**len(index) - len(mux_ins) if short_by > 0: if default is not None: # extend the list to appropriate size mux_ins = list(mux_ins) extention = [default] * short_by mux_ins.extend(extention) if 2 ** len(index) != len(mux_ins): raise PyrtlError( 'Mux select line is %d bits, but selecting from %d inputs. ' % (len(index), len(mux_ins))) if len(index) == 1: return select(index, falsecase=mux_ins[0], truecase=mux_ins[1]) half = len(mux_ins) // 2 return select(index[-1], falsecase=mux(index[0:-1], *mux_ins[:half]), truecase=mux(index[0:-1], *mux_ins[half:]))
[docs] def select(sel, truecase, falsecase): """ Multiplexer returning `falsecase` when ``sel == 0``, otherwise `truecase`. :param WireVector sel: used as the select input to the multiplexer :param WireVector truecase: the WireVector selected if ``sel == 1`` :param WireVector falsecase: the WireVector selected if ``sel == 0`` The hardware this generates is exactly the same as :func:`.mux` but by putting the true case as the first argument it matches more of the C-style ternary operator semantics which can be helpful for readability. Example of taking the min of ``a`` and 5: :: select(a < 5, truecase=a, falsecase=5) """ sel, f, t = (as_wires(w) for w in (sel, falsecase, truecase)) f, t = match_bitwidth(f, t) outwire = WireVector(bitwidth=len(f)) net = LogicNet(op='x', op_param=None, args=(sel, f, t), dests=(outwire,)) working_block().add_net(net) # this includes sanity check on the mux return outwire
[docs] def concat(*args): """ Concatenates multiple WireVectors into a single WireVector. :param WireVector args: inputs to be concatenated :return: WireVector with length equal to the sum of the args' lengths You can provide multiple arguments and they will be combined with the right-most argument being the least significant bits of the result. Note that if you have a list of arguments to concat together you will likely want index 0 to be the least significant bit and so if you unpack the list into the arguments here it will be backwards. The function :func:`.concat_list` is provided for that case specifically. Example using ``concat`` to combine two bytes into a 16-bit quantity: :: concat(msb, lsb) """ if len(args) <= 0: raise PyrtlError('error, concat requires at least 1 argument') if len(args) == 1: return as_wires(args[0]) arg_wirevectors = tuple(as_wires(arg) for arg in args) final_width = sum(len(arg) for arg in arg_wirevectors) outwire = WireVector(bitwidth=final_width) net = LogicNet( op='c', op_param=None, args=arg_wirevectors, dests=(outwire,)) working_block().add_net(net) return outwire
[docs] def concat_list(wire_list): """ Concatenates a list of WireVectors into a single WireVector. :param list[WireVector] wire_list: list of WireVectors to concat :return: WireVector with length equal to the sum of the args' lengths This take a list of WireVectors and concats them all into a single WireVector with the element at index 0 serving as the least significant bits. This is useful when you have a variable number of WireVectors to concatenate, otherwise :func:`.concat` is prefered. Example using ``concat_list`` to combine two bytes into a 16-bit quantity: :: mylist = [lsb, msb] concat_list(mylist) """ return concat(*reversed(wire_list))
[docs] def signed_add(a, b): """Return a WireVector for result of signed addition. :param WireVector a: a WireVector to serve as first input to addition :param WireVector b: a WireVector to serve as second input to addition Given WireVectors with length ``n`` and ``m``, the result of the signed addition has length:: max(n, m) + 1 The inputs are two's complement sign extended to the same length before adding. If an integer is passed to either `a` or `b`, it will be converted automatically to a two's complement constant """ if isinstance(a, int): a = Const(a, signed=True) if isinstance(b, int): b = Const(b, signed=True) a, b = match_bitwidth(as_wires(a), as_wires(b), signed=True) result_len = len(a) + 1 ext_a = a.sign_extended(result_len) ext_b = b.sign_extended(result_len) # add and truncate to the correct length return (ext_a + ext_b)[0:result_len]
def mult_signed(a, b): """ mult_signed is now deprecated, use ``signed_mult`` instead """ return signed_mult(a, b)
[docs] def signed_mult(a, b): """ Return ``a * b`` where ``a`` and ``b`` are treated as signed values. :param WireVector a: a wirevector to serve as first input to multiplication :param WireVector b: a wirevector to serve as second input to multiplication If an integer is passed to either ``a`` or ``b``, it will be converted automatically to a two's complement constant""" # if an integer, convert to a two's complement constant if isinstance(a, int): a = Const(a, signed=True) if isinstance(b, int): b = Const(b, signed=True) # if not a wirevector yet, use standard conversion method a, b = as_wires(a), as_wires(b) final_len = len(a) + len(b) # sign extend both inputs to the final target length a, b = a.sign_extended(final_len), b.sign_extended(final_len) # the result is the multiplication of both, but truncated # TODO: this may make estimates based on the multiplication overly # pessimistic as half of the multiply result is thrown right away! return (a * b)[0:final_len]
[docs] def signed_lt(a, b): """ Return a single bit result of signed less than comparison. """ a, b = match_bitwidth(as_wires(a), as_wires(b), signed=True) r = a - b return r[-1] ^ (~a[-1]) ^ (~b[-1])
[docs] def signed_le(a, b): """ Return a single bit result of signed less than or equal comparison. """ a, b = match_bitwidth(as_wires(a), as_wires(b), signed=True) r = a - b return (r[-1] ^ (~a[-1]) ^ (~b[-1])) | (a == b)
[docs] def signed_gt(a, b): """ Return a single bit result of signed greater than comparison. """ a, b = match_bitwidth(as_wires(a), as_wires(b), signed=True) r = b - a return r[-1] ^ (~a[-1]) ^ (~b[-1])
[docs] def signed_ge(a, b): """ Return a single bit result of signed greater than or equal comparison. """ a, b = match_bitwidth(as_wires(a), as_wires(b), signed=True) r = b - a return (r[-1] ^ (~a[-1]) ^ (~b[-1])) | (a == b)
def _check_shift_inputs(a, shamt): # TODO: perhaps this should just be implemented directly rather than throwing error if isinstance(shamt, int): raise PyrtlError('shift_amount is an integer, use slice instead') a, shamt = as_wires(a), as_wires(shamt) log_length = int(math.log(len(a), 2)) return a, shamt
[docs] def shift_left_arithmetic(bits_to_shift, shift_amount): """ Shift left arithmetic operation. :param WireVector bits_to_shift: WireVector to shift left :param shift_amount: WireVector or integer specifying amount to shift :return: WireVector of same length as `bits_to_shift` This function returns a new WireVector of length equal to the length of the input `bits_to_shift` but where the bits have been shifted to the left. An arithemetic shift is one that treats the value as as signed number, although for left shift arithmetic and logic shift they are identical. Note that `shift_amount` is treated as unsigned. """ # shift left arithmetic and logical are the same thing return shift_left_logical(bits_to_shift, shift_amount)
[docs] def shift_right_arithmetic(bits_to_shift, shift_amount): """ Shift right arithmetic operation. :param WireVector bits_to_shift: WireVector to shift right :param shift_amount: WireVector or integer specifying amount to shift :return: WireVector of same length as `bits_to_shift` This function returns a new WireVector of length equal to the length of the input `bits_to_shift` but where the bits have been shifted to the right. An arithemetic shift is one that treats the value as as signed number, meaning the sign bit (the most significant bit of `bits_to_shift`) is shifted in. Note that `shift_amount` is treated as unsigned. """ if isinstance(shift_amount, int): return bits_to_shift[shift_amount:].sign_extended(len(bits_to_shift)) bit_in = bits_to_shift[-1] # shift in sign_bit dir = Const(0) # shift right return barrel.barrel_shifter(bits_to_shift, bit_in, dir, shift_amount)
[docs] def shift_left_logical(bits_to_shift, shift_amount): """ Shift left logical operation. :param WireVector bits_to_shift: WireVector to shift left :param shift_amount: WireVector or integer specifying amount to shift :return: WireVector of same length as `bits_to_shift` This function returns a new WireVector of length equal to the length of the input `bits_to_shift` but where the bits have been shifted to the left. A logical shift is one that treats the value as as unsigned number, meaning the zeroes are shifted in. Note that `shift_amount` is treated as unsigned. """ if isinstance(shift_amount, int): return concat(bits_to_shift[:-shift_amount], Const(0, shift_amount)) bit_in = Const(0) # shift in a 0 dir = Const(1) # shift left return barrel.barrel_shifter(bits_to_shift, bit_in, dir, shift_amount)
[docs] def shift_right_logical(bits_to_shift, shift_amount): """ Shift right logical operation. :param WireVector bits_to_shift: WireVector to shift left :param shift_amount: WireVector or integer specifying amount to shift :return: WireVector of same length as `bits_to_shift` This function returns a new WireVector of length equal to the length of the input `bits_to_shift` but where the bits have been shifted to the right. A logical shift is one that treats the value as as unsigned number, meaning the zeros are shifted in regardless of the "sign bit". Note that `shift_amount` is treated as unsigned. """ if isinstance(shift_amount, int): return bits_to_shift[shift_amount:].zero_extended(len(bits_to_shift)) bit_in = Const(0) # shift in a 0 dir = Const(0) # shift right return barrel.barrel_shifter(bits_to_shift, bit_in, dir, shift_amount)
[docs] def match_bitwidth(*args, **opt): """ Matches the argument wires' bitwidth via zero or sign extension, returning new WireVectors :param WireVector args: WireVectors of which to match bitwidths :param opt: Optional keyword argument ``signed=True`` (defaults to False) :return: tuple of args in order with extended bits Example of matching the bitwidths of two WireVectors ``a`` and ``b`` with zero extension: :: a, b = match_bitwidth(a, b) Example of matching the bitwidths of three WireVectors ``a``, ``b``, and ``c`` with with sign extension: :: a, b, c = match_bitwidth(a, b, c, signed=True) """ # TODO: when we drop 2.7 support, this code should be cleaned up with explicit # kwarg support for "signed" rather than the less than helpful "**opt" if len(opt) == 0: signed = False else: if len(opt) > 1 or 'signed' not in opt: raise PyrtlError('error, only supported kwarg to match_bitwidth is "signed"') signed = bool(opt['signed']) max_len = max(len(wv) for wv in args) if signed: return (wv.sign_extended(max_len) for wv in args) else: return (wv.zero_extended(max_len) for wv in args)
[docs] def as_wires(val, bitwidth=None, truncating=True, block=None): """Return wires from `val` which may be wires, integers (including IntEnums), strings, or bools. :param val: a WireVector-like object or something that can be converted into a Const :param int bitwidth: The bitwidth the resulting wire should be :param bool truncating: determines whether bits will be dropped to achieve the desired bitwidth if it is too long (if true, the most-significant bits will be dropped) :param Block block: block to use for wire This function is mainly used to coerce values into WireVectors (for example, operations such as ``x + 1`` where 1 needs to be converted to a Const WireVector). An example: :: def myhardware(input_a, input_b): a = as_wires(input_a) b = as_wires(input_b) myhardware(3, x) :func:`.as_wires` will convert the 3 to Const but keep ``x`` unchanged assuming it is a WireVector. """ from .memory import _MemIndexed block = working_block(block) if isinstance(val, (int, str)): # note that this case captures bool as well (as bools are instances of ints) return Const(val, bitwidth=bitwidth, block=block) elif isinstance(val, _MemIndexed): # convert to a memory read when the value is actually used if val.wire is None: val.wire = as_wires(val.mem._readaccess(val.index), bitwidth, truncating, block) return val.wire elif isinstance(val, WrappedWireVector): return val.wire elif not isinstance(val, WireVector): raise PyrtlError('error, expecting a wirevector, int, or verilog-style ' 'const string got %s instead' % repr(val)) elif bitwidth == '0': raise PyrtlError('error, bitwidth must be >= 1') elif val.bitwidth is None: raise PyrtlError('error, attempting to use wirevector with no defined bitwidth') elif bitwidth and bitwidth > val.bitwidth: return val.zero_extended(bitwidth) elif bitwidth and truncating and bitwidth < val.bitwidth: return val[:bitwidth] # truncate the upper bits else: return val
[docs] def bitfield_update(w, range_start, range_end, newvalue, truncating=False): """Return WireVector `w` but with some of the bits overwritten by `newvalue`. :param WireVector w: a WireVector to use as the starting point for the update :param int range_start: the start of the range of bits to be updated :param int range_end: the end of the range of bits to be updated :param int newvalue: the value to be written in to the start:end range :param bool truncating: if true, silently clip newvalue to the proper bitwidth rather than throw an error if the value provided is too large Given a WireVector `w`, this function returns a new WireVector that is identical to `w` except in the range of bits specified. In that specified range, the value `newvalue` is swapped in. For example:: bitfield_update(w, 20, 23, 0x7) will return a WireVector of the same length as `w`, and with the same values as `w`, but with bits 20, 21, and 22 all set to 1. Note that `range_start` and `range_end` will be inputs to a slice and so standard Python slicing rules apply (e.g. negative values for end-relative indexing and support for None). :: w = bitfield_update(w, 20, 23, 0x7) # sets bits 20, 21, 22 to 1 w = bitfield_update(w, 20, 23, 0x6) # sets bit 20 to 0, bits 21 and 22 to 1 w = bitfield_update(w, 20, None, 0x7) # assuming w is 32 bits, sets bits 31..20 = 0x7 w = bitfield_update(w, -1, None, 0x1) # set the MSB (bit) to 1 w = bitfield_update(w, None, -1, 0x9) # set the bits before the MSB (bit) to 9 w = bitfield_update(w, None, 1, 0x1) # set the LSB (bit) to 1 w = bitfield_update(w, 1, None, 0x9) # set the bits after the LSB (bit) to 9 """ from .corecircuits import concat_list w = as_wires(w) idxs = list(range(len(w))) # we make a list of integers and slice those up to use as indexes idxs_middle = idxs[range_start:range_end] if len(idxs_middle) == 0: raise PyrtlError('Cannot update bitfield of size 0 (i.e. there are no bits to update)') idxs_lower = idxs[:idxs_middle[0]] idxs_upper = idxs[idxs_middle[-1] + 1:] newvalue = as_wires(newvalue, bitwidth=len(idxs_middle), truncating=truncating) if len(idxs_middle) != len(newvalue): raise PyrtlError('Cannot update bitfield of length %d with value of length %d ' 'unless truncating=True is specified' % (len(idxs_middle), len(newvalue))) result_list = [] if idxs_lower: result_list.append(w[idxs_lower[0]:idxs_lower[-1] + 1]) result_list.append(newvalue) if idxs_upper: result_list.append(w[idxs_upper[0]:idxs_upper[-1] + 1]) result = concat_list(result_list) if len(result) != len(w): raise PyrtlInternalError('len(result)=%d, len(original)=%d' % (len(result), len(w))) return result
[docs] def bitfield_update_set(w, update_set, truncating=False): """ Return WireVector `w` but with some of the bits overwritten by values in `update_set`. :param WireVector w: a WireVector to use as the starting point for the update :param update_set: a map from tuples of integers (bit ranges) to the new values :param bool truncating: if true, silently clip new values to the proper bitwidth rather than throw an error if the value provided is too large Given a WireVector `w`, this function returns a new WireVector that is identical to `w` except in the range of bits specified. When multiple non-overlapping fields need to be updated in a single cycle this provides a clearer way to describe that behavior than iterative calls to :func:`.bitfield_update` (although that is, in fact, what it is doing). :: w = bitfield_update_set(w, { (20, 23): 0x6, # sets bit 20 to 0, bits 21 and 22 to 1 (26, None): 0x7, # assuming w is 32 bits, sets bits 31..26 to 0x7 (None, 1): 0x0, # set the LSB (bit) to 0 }) """ w = as_wires(w) # keep a list of bits that are updated to find overlaps setlist = [False] * len(w) # call bitfield for each one for range in update_set: range_start, range_end = range new_value = update_set[range] # check for overlaps setbits = setlist[range_start:range_end] if any(setbits): raise PyrtlError('Bitfields for update are overlapping') setlist[range_start:range_end] = [True] * len(setbits) # do the actual update w = bitfield_update(w, range_start, range_end, new_value, truncating) return w
[docs] def enum_mux(cntrl, table, default=None, strict=True): """ Build a mux for the control signals specified by an enum. :param cntrl: is a WireVector and control for the mux. :param table: is a dictionary of the form mapping enum to WireVector. :param default: is a WireVector to use when the key is not present. In addition it is possible to use the key `otherwise` to specify a default value, but it is an error if both are supplied. :param bool strict: when True, check that the dictionary has an entry for every possible value in the enum. Note that if a default is set, then this check is not performed as the default will provide valid values for any underspecified keys. :return: a WireVector which is the result of the mux. Examples:: from enum import IntEnum class Command(IntEnum): ADD = 1 SUB = 2 enum_mux(cntrl, {Command.ADD: a + b, Command.SUB: a - b}) enum_mux(cntrl, {Command.ADD: a + b}, strict=False) # SUB case undefined enum_mux(cntrl, {Command.ADD: a + b, otherwise: a - b}) enum_mux(cntrl, {Command.ADD: a + b}, default=a - b) """ # check dictionary keys are of the right type keytypeset = set(type(x) for x in table.keys() if x is not otherwise) if len(keytypeset) != 1: raise PyrtlError('table mixes multiple types {} as keys'.format(keytypeset)) keytype = list(keytypeset)[0] # check that dictionary is complete for the enum try: enumkeys = list(keytype.__members__.values()) except AttributeError: raise PyrtlError('type {} not an Enum and does not support the same interface' .format(keytype)) missingkeys = [e for e in enumkeys if e not in table] # check for "otherwise" in table and move it to a default if otherwise in table: if default is not None: raise PyrtlError('both "otherwise" and default provided to enum_mux') else: default = table[otherwise] if strict and default is None and missingkeys: raise PyrtlError('table provided is incomplete, missing: {}'.format(missingkeys)) # generate the actual mux vals = {k.value: d for k, d in table.items() if k is not otherwise} if default is not None: vals['default'] = default return muxes.sparse_mux(cntrl, vals)
[docs] def and_all_bits(vector): """ Returns WireVector, the result of "and"ing all items of the argument vector. :param WireVector vector: Takes a single arbitrary length WireVector :return: Returns a 1 bit result, the bitwise `and` of all of the bits in the vector to a single bit. """ return tree_reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, vector)
[docs] def or_all_bits(vector): """ Returns WireVector, the result of "or"ing all items of the argument vector. :param WireVector vector: Takes a single arbitrary length WireVector :return: Returns a 1 bit result, the bitwise `or` of all of the bits in the vector to a single bit. """ return tree_reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, vector)
[docs] def xor_all_bits(vector): """ Returns WireVector, the result of "xor"ing all items of the argument vector. :param WireVector vector: Takes a single arbitrary length WireVector :return: Returns a 1 bit result, the bitwise `xor` of all of the bits in the vector to a single bit. """ return tree_reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, vector)
parity = xor_all_bits # shadowing the xor_all_bits function def tree_reduce(op, vector): if len(vector) < 1: raise PyrtlError("Cannot reduce empty vectors") if len(vector) == 1: return vector[0] left = tree_reduce(op, vector[:len(vector) // 2]) right = tree_reduce(op, vector[len(vector) // 2:]) return op(left, right) def _apply_op_over_all_bits(op, vector): if len(vector) < 1: raise PyrtlError("Cannot reduce empty vectors") if len(vector) == 1: return vector[0] rest = _apply_op_over_all_bits(op, vector[1:]) return op(vector[0], rest)
[docs] def rtl_any(*vectorlist): """ Hardware equivalent of Python native ``any``. :param WireVector vectorlist: all arguments are WireVectors of length 1 :return: WireVector of length 1 Returns a 1-bit WireVector which will hold a '1' if any of the inputs are '1' (i.e. it is a big ol' OR gate). If no inputs are provided it will return a Const 0 (since there are no '1's present) similar to Python's ``any`` function called with an empty list. Examples:: rtl_any(thing1, thing2, thing3) # same as thing1 | thing2 | thing3 rtl_any(*[list_of_things]) # the unpack operator ("*") can be used for lists rtl_any() # returns Const(False) which comes up if the list above is empty """ if len(vectorlist) == 0: return as_wires(False) converted_vectorlist = [as_wires(v) for v in vectorlist] if any(len(v) != 1 for v in converted_vectorlist): raise PyrtlError('only length 1 WireVectors can be inputs to rtl_any') return or_all_bits(concat_list(converted_vectorlist))
[docs] def rtl_all(*vectorlist): """ Hardware equivalent of Python native ``all``. :param WireVector vectorlist: all arguments are WireVectors of length 1 :return: WireVector of length 1 Returns a 1-bit WireVector which will hold a '1' only if all of the inputs are '1' (i.e. it is a big ol' AND gate). If no inputs are provided it will return a Const 1 (since there are no '0's present) similar to Python's ``all`` function called with an empty list. Examples:: rtl_all(thing1, thing2, thing3) # same as thing1 & thing2 & thing3 rtl_all(*[list_of_things]) # the unpack operator ("*") can be used for lists rtl_all() # returns Const(True) which comes up if the list above is empty """ if len(vectorlist) == 0: return as_wires(True) converted_vectorlist = [as_wires(v) for v in vectorlist] if any(len(v) != 1 for v in converted_vectorlist): raise PyrtlError('only length 1 WireVectors can be inputs to rtl_all') return and_all_bits(concat_list(converted_vectorlist))
def _basic_mult(A, B): """ A stripped-down copy of the Wallace multiplier in rtllib """ if len(B) == 1: A, B = B, A # so that we can reuse the code below :) if len(A) == 1: return concat_list(list(A & b for b in B) + [Const(0)]) # keep WireVector len consistent result_bitwidth = len(A) + len(B) bits = [[] for weight in range(result_bitwidth)] for i, a in enumerate(A): for j, b in enumerate(B): bits[i + j].append(a & b) while not all(len(i) <= 2 for i in bits): deferred = [[] for weight in range(result_bitwidth + 1)] for i, w_array in enumerate(bits): # Start with low weights and start reducing while len(w_array) >= 3: # build a new full adder a, b, cin = (w_array.pop(0) for j in range(3)) deferred[i].append(a ^ b ^ cin) deferred[i + 1].append(a & b | a & cin | b & cin) if len(w_array) == 2: a, b = w_array deferred[i].append(a ^ b) deferred[i + 1].append(a & b) else: deferred[i].extend(w_array) bits = deferred[:result_bitwidth] add_wires = tuple(itertools.zip_longest(*bits, fillvalue=Const(0))) adder_result = concat_list(add_wires[0]) + concat_list(add_wires[1]) return adder_result[:result_bitwidth] def _one_bit_add(a, b, carry_in): assert len(a) == len(b) == 1 sumbit = a ^ b ^ carry_in carry_out = a & b | a & carry_in | b & carry_in return sumbit, carry_out def _add_helper(a, b, carry_in): a, b = match_bitwidth(a, b) if len(a) == 1: sumbits, carry_out = _one_bit_add(a, b, carry_in) else: lsbit, ripplecarry = _one_bit_add(a[0], b[0], carry_in) msbits, carry_out = _add_helper(a[1:], b[1:], ripplecarry) sumbits = concat(msbits, lsbit) return sumbits, carry_out def _basic_add(a, b): sumbits, carry_out = _add_helper(a, b, 0) return concat(carry_out, sumbits) def _basic_sub(a, b): sumbits, carry_out = _add_helper(a, ~b, 1) return concat(carry_out, sumbits) def _basic_eq(a, b): return ~ or_all_bits(a ^ b) def _basic_lt(a, b): assert len(a) == len(b) a_msb = a[-1] b_msb = b[-1] if len(a) == 1: return (b_msb & ~a_msb) small = _basic_lt(a[:-1], b[:-1]) return (b_msb & ~a_msb) | (small & ~(a_msb ^ b_msb)) def _basic_gt(a, b): return _basic_lt(b, a) def _basic_select(s, a, b): assert len(a) == len(b) assert len(s) == 1 sa = concat(*[~s] * len(a)) sb = concat(*[s] * len(b)) return (a & sa) | (b & sb)