Source code for pyrtl.importexport

Helper functions for reading and writing hardware files.

Each of the functions in inputoutput take a block and a file descriptor.
The functions provided either read the file and update the Block
accordingly, or write information from the Block out to the file.

import re
import collections
import tempfile
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import functools
import operator

from .pyrtlexceptions import PyrtlError, PyrtlInternalError
from .core import working_block, _NameSanitizer
from .wire import WireVector, Input, Output, Const, Register, next_tempvar_name
from .corecircuits import concat_list, rtl_all, rtl_any, select
from .memory import RomBlock
from .passes import two_way_concat, one_bit_selects

def _natural_sort_key(key):
    """ Convert the key into a form such that it will be sorted naturally,
        e.g. such that "tmp4" appears before "tmp18".
    def convert(text):
        return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
    return [convert(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', key)]

def _net_sorted(logic, name_mapper=lambda w:
    # Sort nets based on the name of the destination
    # wire, unless it's a memory write net.
    def natural_keys(n):
        if n.op == '@':
            # Sort based on the name of the wr_en wire, since
            # this particular net is used within 'always begin ... end'
            # blocks for memory update logic.
            key = str(n.args[2])
            key = name_mapper(n.dests[0])
        return _natural_sort_key(key)
    return sorted(logic, key=natural_keys)

def _name_sorted(wires, name_mapper=lambda w:
    return sorted(wires, key=lambda w: _natural_sort_key(name_mapper(w)))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
#     __          ___
#    |__) |    | |___
#    |__) |___ | |

class Subcircuit:
    This is a way to create and track per-module-instance wire names, so there
    are not name clashes when we instantiate a module more than once.

    def __init__(self, model, is_top=False, clk_set={'clk'}, block=None):
        self.model = model
        self.is_top = is_top
        self.clk_set = clk_set
        self.block = working_block(block)
        self.inputs = {}
        self.outputs = {}
        self.wirevector_by_name = {}

    def add_input(self, original_name, wire):
        self.inputs[original_name] = wire
        self.wirevector_by_name[original_name] = wire

    def add_output(self, original_name, wire):
        self.outputs[original_name] = wire
        self.wirevector_by_name[original_name] = wire

    def add_reg(self, original_name, wire):
        self.wirevector_by_name[original_name] = wire

    def add_clock(self, clock_name):

    def twire(self, x):
        """ Find or make wire named x and return it. """
        s = self.wirevector_by_name.get(x)
        if s is None:
            # Purposefully *not* setting its name to 'x', so we don't have name clashes
            s = WireVector(bitwidth=1)
            self.wirevector_by_name[x] = s
        return s

[docs] def input_from_blif(blif, block=None, merge_io_vectors=True, clock_name='clk', top_model=None): """ Read an open BLIF file or string as input, updating the block appropriately. :param blif: An open BLIF file to read :param Block block: The block where the logic will be added :param bool merge_io_vectors: If True, Input/Output wires whose names differ only by a indexing subscript (e.g. 1-bit wires ``a[0]`` and ``a[1]``) will be combined into a single Input/Output (e.g. a 2-bit wire ``a``). :param str clock_name: The name of the clock (defaults to ``clk``) :param top_model: name of top-level model to instantiate; if None, defaults to first model listed in the BLIF If `merge_io_vectors` is True, then given 1-bit Input wires ``a[0]`` and ``a[1]``, these wires will be combined into a single 2-bit Input wire ``a`` that can be accessed by name ``a`` in the block. Otherwise if `merge_io_vectors` is False, the original 1-bit wires will be Input wires of the block. This holds similarly for Outputs. This assumes the following: * There is only one single shared clock and reset * Output is generated by Yosys with formals in a particular order It currently supports multi-module (unflattened) BLIF, though we recommend importing a flattened BLIF with a single module when possible. It currently ignores the reset signal (which it assumes is input only to the flip flops). """ import pyparsing from pyparsing import (Word, Literal, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, Suppress, Group, Keyword, Opt, one_of) block = working_block(block) try: blif_string = except AttributeError: if isinstance(blif, str): blif_string = blif else: raise PyrtlError('input_from_blif expecting either open file or string') def SKeyword(x): return Suppress(Keyword(x)) def SLiteral(x): return Suppress(Literal(x)) # Begin BLIF language definition signal_start = pyparsing.alphas + '$:[]_<>\\/?' signal_middle = pyparsing.alphas + pyparsing.nums + '$:[]_<>\\/.?-' signal_id = Word(signal_start, signal_middle) header = SKeyword('.model') + signal_id('model_name') input_list = Group(SKeyword('.inputs') + ZeroOrMore(signal_id))('input_list') output_list = Group(SKeyword('.outputs') + ZeroOrMore(signal_id))('output_list') cover_atom = Word('01-') cover_list = Group(ZeroOrMore(cover_atom))('cover_list') namesignal_list = Group(OneOrMore(signal_id))('namesignal_list') name_def = Group(SKeyword('.names') + namesignal_list + cover_list)('name_def') def make_dff_parsers(formals, names): defs = functools.reduce(operator.__or__, ( Group(SKeyword('.subckt') + SKeyword(name) + formals)(name) for name in names) ) return defs # This is purposefully not supporting any DFFs that use negedges in the sensitivity list. # Currently don't have the '$_ALDFF*' dffs (with load signal). # Also, we may want to look into doing something similar for the $_DLATCH* types. # NOTE: Unfortunately, this list needs to be kept consistent with the # flop_next function in extract_flops(). dff_names = [ '$_DFF_P_', '$_DFFE_PN_', '$_DFFE_PP_', '$_DFF_PP0_', '$_DFF_PP1_', '$_DFFE_PP0N_', '$_DFFE_PP0P_', '$_DFFE_PP1N_', '$_DFFE_PP1P_', '$_DFFSR_PPP', '$_DFFSRE_PPPN_', '$_DFFSRE_PPPP_', '$_SDFF_PN0_', '$_SDFF_PN1_', '$_SDFF_PP0_', '$_SDFF_PP1_', '$_SDFFE_PN0N_', '$_SDFFE_PN0P_', '$_SDFFE_PN1N_', '$_SDFFE_PN1P_', '$_SDFFE_PP0N_', '$_SDFFE_PP0P_', '$_SDFFE_PP1N_', '$_SDFFE_PP1P_', '$_SDFFCE_PN0N_', '$_SDFFCE_PN0P_', '$_SDFFCE_PN1N_', '$_SDFFCE_PN1P_', '$_SDFFCE_PP0N_', '$_SDFFCE_PP0P_', '$_SDFFCE_PP1N_', '$_SDFFCE_PP1P_', ] # (a)synchronous Flip-flop (positive/negative polarity reset/set/enable) dffs_formal = (SLiteral('C=') + signal_id('C') + SLiteral('D=') + signal_id('D') + Opt(SLiteral('E=') + signal_id('E')) + SLiteral('Q=') + signal_id('Q') + Opt(SLiteral('S=') + signal_id('S')) + Opt(SLiteral('R=') + signal_id('R'))) dffs_def = make_dff_parsers(dffs_formal, dff_names) # synchronous Flip-flop (using .latch format) latches_init_val = Opt(one_of('0 1 2 3'), default='0') # TODO I think <type> and <control> ('re' and 'C') below are technically optional too latches_def = Group(SKeyword('.latch') + signal_id('D') + signal_id('Q') + SLiteral('re') + signal_id('C') + latches_init_val('I'))('latches_def') # model reference formal_actual = Group(signal_id('formal') + SLiteral('=') + signal_id('actual'))('formal_actual') formal_actual_list = Group(OneOrMore(formal_actual))('formal_actual_list') model_name = signal_id('model_name') model_ref = Group(SKeyword('.subckt') + model_name + formal_actual_list)('model_ref') command_def = name_def | dffs_def | latches_def | model_ref command_list = Group(OneOrMore(command_def))('command_list') footer = SKeyword('.end') model_def = Group(header + input_list + output_list + command_list + footer) model_list = OneOrMore(model_def) parser = model_list.ignore(pyparsing.pythonStyleComment) # Begin actually reading and parsing the BLIF file result = parser.parse_string(blif_string, parseAll=True) ff_clk_set = set([]) models = {} # model name -> model, for subckt instantiation def extract_inputs(subckt): if subckt.is_top: # NOTE: Assumes that: # - Top-level inputs starting with the same prefix are part of the same wire # - Indices start at 0 start_names = [re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]$', '', x) for x in subckt.model['input_list']] name_counts = collections.Counter(start_names) for input_name in name_counts: bitwidth = name_counts[input_name] if input_name in subckt.clk_set: continue elif bitwidth == 1: wire_in = Input(bitwidth=1, name=input_name, block=block) subckt.add_input(input_name, wire_in) block.add_wirevector(wire_in) elif merge_io_vectors: wire_in = Input(bitwidth=bitwidth, name=input_name, block=block) for i in range(bitwidth): bit_name = input_name + '[' + str(i) + ']' bit_wire = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) bit_wire <<= wire_in[i] subckt.add_input(bit_name, bit_wire) else: for i in range(bitwidth): bit_name = input_name + '[' + str(i) + ']' wire_in = Input(bitwidth=1, name=bit_name, block=block) subckt.add_input(bit_name, wire_in) block.add_wirevector(wire_in) else: # For subckts: # - Never merge input vectors # - All inputs are 1-bit for input_name in subckt.model['input_list']: if input_name in subckt.clk_set: continue wire_in = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) # Internal name prevents name clash subckt.add_input(input_name, wire_in) block.add_wirevector(wire_in) def extract_outputs(subckt): if subckt.is_top: # NOTE: Assumes that: # - Top-level outputs starting with the same prefix are part of the same wire # - Indices start at 0 start_names = [re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]$', '', x) for x in subckt.model['output_list']] name_counts = collections.Counter(start_names) for output_name in name_counts: bitwidth = name_counts[output_name] # To allow an output wire to be used as an argument (legal in BLIF), # we need to create an intermediate wire, which will be used in twire() # whenever the original wire is referenced. For example, given 2-bit Output 'a', # every access to 'a[1]' will really be a reference to 'a[1]_i', a normal # WireVector connected to 'a[1]'. A key property is that the name by # which all other parts of the code refer to this wire doesn't change; # the only thing that changes is what underlying wire is used. if bitwidth == 1: bit_internal = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) bit_out = Output(bitwidth=1, name=output_name, block=block) bit_out <<= bit_internal # NOTE this is important: redirecting user-visible name to internal wire subckt.add_output(output_name, bit_internal) elif merge_io_vectors: wire_out = Output(bitwidth=bitwidth, name=output_name, block=block) bit_list = [] for i in range(bitwidth): bit_name = output_name + '[' + str(i) + ']' bit_wire = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) bit_list.append(bit_wire) subckt.add_output(bit_name, bit_wire) wire_out <<= concat_list(bit_list) else: for i in range(bitwidth): bit_name = output_name + '[' + str(i) + ']' bit_internal = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) bit_out = Output(bitwidth=1, name=bit_name, block=block) bit_out <<= bit_internal # NOTE this is important: redirecting user-visible name to internal wire subckt.add_output(bit_name, bit_internal) else: # For subckts: # - Never merge outputs vectors # - All outputs are 1-bit for output_name in subckt.model['output_list']: bit_out = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) block.add_wirevector(bit_out) subckt.add_output(output_name, bit_out) def extract_commands(subckt): # for each "command" (dff or net) in the model for command in subckt.model['command_list']: # if it is a net (specified as a cover) if command.getName() == 'name_def': extract_cover(subckt, command) # else if the command is a d flop flop elif command.getName() in dff_names: extract_flop(subckt, command) # same as dff, but using different .latch format elif command.getName() == 'latches_def': extract_latch(subckt, command) # a subckt elif command.getName() == 'model_ref': extract_model_reference(subckt, command) else: raise PyrtlError('unknown command type') def extract_cover(subckt, command): def twire(w): return subckt.twire(w) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type netio = command['namesignal_list'] if len(command['cover_list']) == 0: output_wire = twire(netio[0]) output_wire <<= Const(0, bitwidth=1, block=block) # const "FALSE" elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1']: output_wire = twire(netio[0]) output_wire <<= Const(1, bitwidth=1, block=block) # const "TRUE" elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1', '1']: # Populate clock list if one input is already a clock if (netio[1] in subckt.clk_set): subckt.add_clock(netio[0]) elif (netio[0] in subckt.clk_set): subckt.add_clock(netio[1]) else: output_wire = twire(netio[1]) output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) # simple wire elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['0', '1']: output_wire = twire(netio[1]) output_wire <<= ~ twire(netio[0]) # not gate elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['11', '1']: output_wire = twire(netio[2]) output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) & twire(netio[1]) # and gate elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['1-', '1', '-1', '1']: output_wire = twire(netio[2]) output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) | twire(netio[1]) # or gate elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['0-', '1', '-0', '1']: # nand is not really a PyRTL primitive and so should only be added to a netlist # via a call to nand_synth(). We instead convert it to ~(a & b) rather than # (~a | ~b) as would be generated if handled by the else case below. output_wire = twire(netio[2]) output_wire <<= ~(twire(netio[0]) & twire(netio[1])) # nand gate -> not+and gates elif command['cover_list'].asList() == ['10', '1', '01', '1']: output_wire = twire(netio[2]) output_wire <<= twire(netio[0]) ^ twire(netio[1]) # xor gate else: # Although the following is fully generic and thus encompasses all of the # special cases after the simple wire case above, we leave the above in because # they are commonly found and lead to a slightly cleaner (though equivalent) netlist, # because we can use the xor primitive/save a gate when converting the nand, or avoid # the extra fluff of concat/select wires that might be created implicitly as part of # rtl_all/rtl_any. def convert_val(ix, val): wire = twire(netio[ix]) if val == '0': wire = ~wire return wire cover = command['cover_list'].asList() output_wire = twire(netio[-1]) conjunctions = [] while cover: if len(cover) < 2: raise PyrtlError('BLIF file with malformed cover set "%s" ' % command['cover_list']) input_plane, output_plane, cover = cover[0], cover[1], cover[2:] if output_plane != '1': raise PyrtlError('Off-set found in the output plane of BLIF cover set "%s" ' '(only on-sets are supported)' % command['cover_list']) conj = rtl_all(*[convert_val(ix, val) for ix, val in enumerate(input_plane) if val != '-']) conjunctions.append(conj) output_wire <<= rtl_any(*conjunctions) def extract_latch(subckt, command): def twire(w): return subckt.twire(w) if command['C'] not in ff_clk_set: ff_clk_set.add(command['C']) # Create register and assign next state to D and output to Q # We ignore initialization values of 2 (don't care) and 3 (unknown). regname = command['Q'] + '_reg' init_val = command['I'] rval = {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': None, '3': None}[init_val] flop = Register(bitwidth=1, reset_value=rval) subckt.add_reg(regname, flop) <<= twire(command['D']) flop_output = twire(command['Q']) flop_output <<= flop def extract_flop(subckt, command): # Generate a register like extract_latch, only we're doing # so because of a .subckt rather than a .latch def twire(w): return subckt.twire(w) def opt_twire(w): return twire(w) if w is not None else None if command['C'] not in ff_clk_set: ff_clk_set.add(command['C']) regname = command['Q'] + '_reg' def flop_next(data, enable, set, reset, prev): return { '$_DFF_P_': lambda: data, '$_DFFE_PN_': lambda: select(~enable, data, prev), '$_DFFE_PP_': lambda: select(enable, data, prev), '$_DFF_PP0_': lambda: select(reset, 0, data), '$_DFF_PP1_': lambda: select(reset, 1, data), '$_DFFE_PP0N_': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(~enable, data, prev)), '$_DFFE_PP0P_': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(enable, data, prev)), '$_DFFE_PP1N_': lambda: select(reset, 1, select(~enable, data, prev)), '$_DFFE_PP1P_': lambda: select(reset, 1, select(enable, data, prev)), '$_DFFSR_PPP': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(set, 1, data)), '$_DFFSRE_PPPN_': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(set, 1, select(~enable, data, prev))), # noqa '$_DFFSRE_PPPP_': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(set, 1, select(enable, data, prev))), # noqa '$_SDFF_PN0_': lambda: select(~reset, 0, data), '$_SDFF_PN1_': lambda: select(~reset, 1, data), '$_SDFF_PP0_': lambda: select(reset, 0, data), '$_SDFF_PP1_': lambda: select(reset, 1, data), '$_SDFFE_PN0N_': lambda: select(~reset, 0, select(~enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PN0P_': lambda: select(~reset, 0, select(enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PN1N_': lambda: select(~reset, 1, select(~enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PN1P_': lambda: select(~reset, 1, select(enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PP0N_': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(~enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PP0P_': lambda: select(reset, 0, select(enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PP1N_': lambda: select(reset, 1, select(~enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFE_PP1P_': lambda: select(reset, 1, select(enable, data, prev)), '$_SDFFCE_PN0N_': lambda: select(~enable, select(~reset, 0, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PN0P_': lambda: select(enable, select(~reset, 0, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PN1N_': lambda: select(~enable, select(~reset, 1, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PN1P_': lambda: select(enable, select(~reset, 1, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PP0N_': lambda: select(~enable, select(reset, 0, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PP0P_': lambda: select(enable, select(reset, 0, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PP1N_': lambda: select(~enable, select(reset, 1, data), prev), '$_SDFFCE_PP1P_': lambda: select(enable, select(reset, 1, data), prev), }[command.getName()]() # TODO May want to consider setting reset_value in the Register. # Right now it's mainly used to signal how we want to *output* Verilog # from PyRTL, and not how we want to interpret *input* to PyRTL. flop = Register(bitwidth=1) subckt.add_reg(regname, flop) <<= flop_next(twire(command['D']), opt_twire(command.get('E')), opt_twire(command.get('S')), opt_twire(command.get('R')), flop) flop_output = twire(command['Q']) flop_output <<= flop def extract_model_reference(parent, command): def twire(w): return parent.twire(w) def get_formal_connected_to_parent_clocks(): clks = set() for fa in command['formal_actual_list']: if fa['actual'] in parent.clk_set: clks.add(fa['formal']) return clks formal_clks = get_formal_connected_to_parent_clocks() subckt = Subcircuit(models[command['model_name']], clk_set=formal_clks, block=block) instantiate(subckt) for fa in command['formal_actual_list']: formal = fa['formal'] actual = fa['actual'] if actual in parent.clk_set: assert formal in subckt.clk_set # We didn't create an input wire corresponding to this. continue elif formal in subckt.inputs: wf = subckt.inputs[formal] wa = twire(actual) wf <<= wa elif formal in subckt.outputs: wf = subckt.outputs[formal] wa = twire(actual) wa <<= wf else: raise PyrtlError("%s formal parameter is neither an input nor output of subckt %s" % (formal, command['model_name'])) def instantiate(subckt): extract_inputs(subckt) extract_outputs(subckt) extract_commands(subckt) # Get all model definitions for model in result: if not top_model: top_model = model['model_name'] models[model['model_name']] = model top = Subcircuit(models[top_model], is_top=True, clk_set={clock_name}, block=block) instantiate(top)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ___ __ __ __ # \ / |__ |__) | | / \ / _` # \/ |___ | \ | |___ \__/ \__> # def input_from_verilog(verilog, clock_name='clk', toplevel=None, leave_in_dir=None, block=None): """ Read an open Verilog file or string as input via Yosys conversion, updating the block. :param verilog: An open Verilog file to read :param clock_name: The name of the clock (defaults to 'clk') :param toplevel: Name of top-level module to instantiate; if None, defaults to first model defined in the Verilog file :param bool leave_in_dir: If True, save the intermediate BLIF file created in the given directory :param block: The block where the logic will be added Note: This function is essentially a wrapper for `input_from_blif()`, with the added convenience of turning the Verilog into BLIF for import for you. This function passes a set of commands to Yosys as a script that normally produces BLIF files that can be successuflly imported into PyRTL via `input_from_blif()`. If the Yosys conversion fails here, we recommend you create your own custom Yosys script to try and produce BLIF yourself. Then you can import BLIF directly via `input_from_blif()`. """ # Dev Notes: # 1) We pass in an open file or string to keep the same API as input_from_blif (even though # we are essentially putting that Verilog code back in a file for Yosys to operate on). # 2) The Yosys script does not have a call to `flatten`, since we now have support for # multi-module BLIFs. `flatten` replaces the .subckt (i.e. the module inclusions) with their # actual contents, so if things aren't working for some reason, add this command for help. # 3) The Yosys script *does* have a call to `setundef -zero -undriven`, which we use to set # undriven nets to 0; we do this so PyRTL doesn't complain about used but undriven wires. try: verilog_string = except AttributeError: if isinstance(verilog, str): verilog_string = verilog else: raise PyrtlError('input_from_verilog expecting either open file or string') block = working_block(block) # Create a temporary Verilog file temp_vd, tmp_verilog_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pyrtl_verilog', suffix='.v', dir=leave_in_dir, text=True) with open(tmp_verilog_path, 'w') as f: f.write(verilog_string) # Create a temporary BLIF file temp_bd, tmp_blif_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pyrtl_blif', suffix='.blif', dir=leave_in_dir, text=True) yosys_arg_template = ( "-p " "read_verilog %s; " "synth %s; " "setundef -zero -undriven; " "opt; " "write_blif %s; " ) yosys_arg = yosys_arg_template % (tmp_verilog_path, ('-top ' + toplevel) if toplevel is not None else '-auto-top', tmp_blif_path) try: os.close(temp_vd) os.close(temp_bd) # call yosys on the script, and grab the output _yosys_output = subprocess.check_output(['yosys', yosys_arg]) with open(tmp_blif_path) as blif: input_from_blif(blif, block=block, clock_name=clock_name, top_model=toplevel) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, ValueError) as e: print('Error with call to yosys...', file=sys.stderr) print('---------------------------------------------', file=sys.stderr) print(str(e.output).replace('\\n', '\n'), file=sys.stderr) print('---------------------------------------------', file=sys.stderr) raise PyrtlError('Yosys callfailed') except OSError as e: print('Error with call to yosys...', file=sys.stderr) raise PyrtlError('Call to yosys failed (not installed or on path?)') finally: os.remove(tmp_verilog_path) if leave_in_dir is None: os.remove(tmp_blif_path)
[docs] def output_to_verilog(dest_file, add_reset=True, block=None): """ A function to walk the block and output it in Verilog format to the open file. :param dest_file: Open file where the Verilog output will be written :param Union[bool, str] add_reset: If reset logic should be added. Allowable options are: False (meaning no reset logic is added), True (default, for adding synchronous reset logic), and `asynchronous` (for adding asynchronous reset logic). :param block: Block to be walked and exported The registers will be set to their `reset_value`, if specified, otherwise 0. """ if not isinstance(add_reset, bool): if add_reset != 'asynchronous': raise PyrtlError("Invalid add_reset option %s. Acceptable options are " "False, True, and 'asynchronous'") block = working_block(block) file = dest_file internal_names = _VerilogSanitizer('_ver_out_tmp_') if add_reset: # True or 'asynchronous' if block.get_wirevector_by_name('rst') is not None: raise PyrtlError("Found a user-defined wire named 'rst'. Pass in " "'add_reset=False' to use your existing reset logic.") for wire in block.wirevector_set: internal_names.make_valid_string( def varname(wire): return internal_names[] _to_verilog_header(file, block, varname, add_reset) _to_verilog_combinational(file, block, varname) _to_verilog_sequential(file, block, varname, add_reset) _to_verilog_memories(file, block, varname) _to_verilog_footer(file)
def OutputToVerilog(dest_file, block=None): """ A deprecated function to output Verilog, use "output_to_verilog" instead. """ return output_to_verilog(dest_file, block) class _VerilogSanitizer(_NameSanitizer): _ver_regex = r'[_A-Za-z][_a-zA-Z0-9\$]*$' _verilog_reserved = \ """always and assign automatic begin buf bufif0 bufif1 case casex casez cell cmos config deassign default defparam design disable edge else end endcase endconfig endfunction endgenerate endmodule endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event for force forever fork function generate genvar highz0 highz1 if ifnone incdir include initial inout input instance integer join large liblist library localparam macromodule medium module nand negedge nmos nor noshowcancelledno not notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos posedge primitive pull0 pull1 pulldown pullup pulsestyle_oneventglitch pulsestyle_ondetectglitch remos real realtime reg release repeat rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared showcancelled signed small specify specparam strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1 table task time tran tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg unsigned use vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 while wire wor xnor xor """ def __init__(self, internal_prefix='_sani_temp', map_valid_vals=True): self._verilog_reserved_set = frozenset(self._verilog_reserved.split()) super(_VerilogSanitizer, self).__init__(self._ver_regex, internal_prefix, map_valid_vals, self._extra_checks) def _extra_checks(self, str): return (str not in self._verilog_reserved_set # is not a Verilog reserved keyword and str != 'clk' # not the clock signal and len(str) <= 1024) # not too long to be a Verilog id def _verilog_vector_size_decl(n): return '' if n == 1 else '[{:d}:0]'.format(n - 1) def _verilog_vector_decl(w): return _verilog_vector_size_decl(len(w)) def _verilog_block_parts(block): inputs = block.wirevector_subset(Input) outputs = block.wirevector_subset(Output) registers = block.wirevector_subset(Register) wires = block.wirevector_subset() - (inputs | outputs | registers) memories = {n.op_param[1] for n in block.logic_subset('m@')} return inputs, outputs, registers, wires, memories def _to_verilog_header(file, block, varname, add_reset): """ Print the header of the verilog implementation. """ def name_sorted(wires): return _name_sorted(wires, name_mapper=varname) def name_list(wires): return [varname(w) for w in wires] print('// Generated automatically via PyRTL', file=file) print('// As one initial test of synthesis, map to FPGA with:', file=file) print('// yosys -p "synth_xilinx -top toplevel" thisfile.v\n', file=file) inputs, outputs, registers, wires, memories = _verilog_block_parts(block) # module name io_list = ['clk'] + name_list(name_sorted(inputs)) + name_list(name_sorted(outputs)) if add_reset: io_list.insert(1, 'rst') if any(w.startswith('tmp') for w in io_list): raise PyrtlError('input or output with name starting with "tmp" indicates unnamed IO') io_list_str = ', '.join(io_list) print('module toplevel({:s});'.format(io_list_str), file=file) # inputs and outputs print(' input clk;', file=file) if add_reset: print(' input rst;', file=file) for w in name_sorted(inputs): print(' input{:s} {:s};'.format(_verilog_vector_decl(w), varname(w)), file=file) for w in name_sorted(outputs): print(' output{:s} {:s};'.format(_verilog_vector_decl(w), varname(w)), file=file) print('', file=file) # memories and registers for m in sorted(memories, key=lambda m: memwidth_str = _verilog_vector_size_decl(m.bitwidth) memsize_str = _verilog_vector_size_decl(1 << m.addrwidth) print(' reg{:s} mem_{}{:s}; //{}'.format(memwidth_str,, memsize_str,, file=file) for w in name_sorted(registers): print(' reg{:s} {:s};'.format(_verilog_vector_decl(w), varname(w)), file=file) if (memories or registers): print('', file=file) # wires for w in name_sorted(wires): print(' wire{:s} {:s};'.format(_verilog_vector_decl(w), varname(w)), file=file) print('', file=file) # Write the initial values for read-only memories. # If we ever add support outside of simulation for initial values # for MemBlocks, that would also go here. roms = {m for m in memories if isinstance(m, RomBlock)} for m in sorted(roms, key=lambda m: print(' initial begin', file=file) for i in range(1 << m.addrwidth): mem_elem_str = 'mem_{}[{:d}]'.format(, i) mem_data_str = "{:d}'h{:x}".format(m.bitwidth, m._get_read_data(i)) print(' {:s}={:s};'.format(mem_elem_str, mem_data_str), file=file) print(' end', file=file) print('', file=file) def _to_verilog_combinational(file, block, varname): """ Print the combinational logic of the verilog implementation. """ def name_sorted(wires): return _name_sorted(wires, name_mapper=varname) print(' // Combinational', file=file) # assign constants (these could be folded for readability later) for const in name_sorted(block.wirevector_subset(Const)): print(' assign {:s} = {:d};'.format(varname(const), const.val), file=file) # walk the block and output combination logic for net in _net_sorted(block.logic, varname): if net.op in 'w~': # unary ops opstr = '' if net.op == 'w' else net.op t = (varname(net.dests[0]), opstr, varname(net.args[0])) print(' assign %s = %s%s;' % t, file=file) elif net.op in '&|^+-*<>': # binary ops t = (varname(net.dests[0]), varname(net.args[0]), net.op, varname(net.args[1])) print(' assign %s = %s %s %s;' % t, file=file) elif net.op == '=': t = (varname(net.dests[0]), varname(net.args[0]), varname(net.args[1])) print(' assign %s = %s == %s;' % t, file=file) elif net.op == 'x': # note that the argument order for 'x' is backwards from the ternary operator t = (varname(net.dests[0]), varname(net.args[0]), varname(net.args[2]), varname(net.args[1])) print(' assign %s = %s ? %s : %s;' % t, file=file) elif net.op == 'c': catlist = ', '.join([varname(w) for w in net.args]) t = (varname(net.dests[0]), catlist) print(' assign %s = {%s};' % t, file=file) elif net.op == 's': # someone please check if we need this special handling for scalars catlist = ', '.join([varname(net.args[0]) + '[%s]' % str(i) if len(net.args[0]) > 1 else varname(net.args[0]) for i in reversed(net.op_param)]) t = (varname(net.dests[0]), catlist) print(' assign %s = {%s};' % t, file=file) elif net.op in 'rm@': pass # do nothing for registers and memories else: raise PyrtlInternalError("nets with op '{}' not supported".format(net.op)) print('', file=file) def _to_verilog_sequential(file, block, varname, add_reset): """ Print the sequential logic of the verilog implementation. """ if not block.logic_subset(op='r'): return print(' // Registers', file=file) if add_reset == 'asynchronous': print(' always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)', file=file) else: print(' always @(posedge clk)', file=file) print(' begin', file=file) if add_reset: print(' if (rst) begin', file=file) for net in _net_sorted(block.logic, varname): if net.op == 'r': dest = varname(net.dests[0]) rval = net.dests[0].reset_value if rval is None: rval = 0 print(' {:s} <= {:d};'.format(dest, rval), file=file) print(' end', file=file) print(' else begin', file=file) else: print(' begin', file=file) for net in _net_sorted(block.logic, varname): if net.op == 'r': dest, src = (varname(net.dests[0]), varname(net.args[0])) print(' {:s} <= {:s};'.format(dest, src), file=file) print(' end', file=file) print(' end', file=file) print('', file=file) def _to_verilog_memories(file, block, varname): """ Print the memories of the verilog implementation. """ memories = {n.op_param[1] for n in block.logic_subset('m@')} for m in sorted(memories, key=lambda m: print(' // Memory mem_{}: {}'.format(,, file=file) writes = [net for net in _net_sorted(block.logic_subset('@'), varname) if net.op_param[1] == m] if writes: print(' always @(posedge clk)', file=file) print(' begin', file=file) for net in writes: t = (varname(net.args[2]), net.op_param[0], varname(net.args[0]), varname(net.args[1])) print((' if (%s) begin\n' ' mem_%s[%s] <= %s;\n' ' end') % t, file=file) print(' end', file=file) reads = [net for net in _net_sorted(block.logic_subset('m'), varname) if net.op_param[1] == m] for net in reads: dest = varname(net.dests[0]) m_id = net.op_param[0] index = varname(net.args[0]) print(' assign {:s} = mem_{}[{:s}];'.format(dest, m_id, index), file=file) print('', file=file) def _to_verilog_footer(file): print('endmodule\n', file=file)
[docs] def output_verilog_testbench(dest_file, simulation_trace=None, toplevel_include=None, vcd="waveform.vcd", cmd=None, add_reset=True, block=None): """Output a Verilog testbench for the block/inputs used in the simulation trace. :param dest_file: an open file to which the test bench will be printed. :param SimulationTrace simulation_trace: a simulation trace from which the inputs will be extracted for inclusion in the test bench. The test bench generated will just replay the inputs played to the simulation cycle by cycle. The default values for all registers and memories will be based on the trace, otherwise they will be initialized to 0. :param str toplevel_include: name of the file containing the toplevel module this testbench is testing. If not None, an `include` directive will be added to the top. :param str vcd: By default the testbench generator will include a command in the testbench to write the output of the testbench execution to a .vcd file (via `$dumpfile`), and this parameter is the string of the name of the file to use. If None is specified instead, then no `dumpfile` will be used. :param str cmd: The string passed as cmd will be copied verbatim into the testbench just before the end of each cycle. This is useful for doing things like printing specific values out during testbench evaluation (e.g. ``cmd='$display("%d", out);'`` will instruct the testbench to print the value of `out` every cycle which can then be compared easy with a reference). :param Union[bool, str] add_reset: If reset logic should be added. Allowable options are: False (meaning no reset logic is added), True (default, for adding synchronous reset logic), and `asynchronous` (for adding asynchronous reset logic). The value passed in here should match the argument passed to :func:`.output_to_verilog`. :param Block block: Block containing design to test. If `add_reset` is not False, a `rst` wire is added and will passed as an input to the instantiated toplevel module. The `rst` wire will be held low in the testbench, because initialization here occurs via the `initial` block. It is provided for consistency with :func:`.output_to_verilog`. The test bench does not return any values. Example 1 (writing testbench to a string):: with io.StringIO() as tbfile: pyrtl.output_verilog_testbench(dest_file=tbfile, simulation_trace=sim_trace) Example 2 (testbench in same file as verilog):: with open('hardware.v', 'w') as fp: output_to_verilog(fp) output_verilog_testbench(fp, sim.tracer, vcd=None, cmd='$display("%d", out);') """ if not isinstance(add_reset, bool): if add_reset != 'asynchronous': raise PyrtlError("Invalid add_reset option %s. Acceptable options are " "False, True, and 'asynchronous'") block = working_block(block) if add_reset: # True or 'asynchronous' if block.get_wirevector_by_name('rst') is not None: raise PyrtlError("Found a user-defined wire named 'rst'. Pass in " "'add_reset=False' to use your existing reset logic.") inputs, outputs, registers, wires, memories = _verilog_block_parts(block) ver_name = _VerilogSanitizer('_ver_out_tmp_') for wire in block.wirevector_set: ver_name.make_valid_string( def name_sorted(wires): return _name_sorted(wires, name_mapper=lambda w: ver_name[]) def name_list(wires): return [ver_name[] for w in wires] def init_regvalue(r): if simulation_trace: rval = simulation_trace.init_regvalue.get(r) # Currently, the simulation stores the initial value for all registers # in init_regvalue, so rval should not be None at this point. # For the strange case where the trace was made by hand/other special use # cases, check it against None anyway. if rval is None: rval = r.reset_value if rval is None: rval = simulation_trace.default_value return rval else: return 0 def init_memvalue(m, ix): # Return None if not present, or if already equal to default value, so we know not to # emit any additional Verilog initing this mem address. if simulation_trace: if m not in simulation_trace.init_memvalue: return None v = simulation_trace.init_memvalue[m].get(ix, simulation_trace.default_value) return None if v == simulation_trace.default_value else v else: return None def default_value(): return simulation_trace.default_value if simulation_trace else 0 # Output an include, if given if toplevel_include: print('`include "{:s}"'.format(toplevel_include), file=dest_file) print('', file=dest_file) # Output header print('module tb();', file=dest_file) # Declare all block inputs as reg print(' reg clk;', file=dest_file) if add_reset: print(' reg rst;', file=dest_file) for w in name_sorted(inputs): print(' reg{:s} {:s};'.format(_verilog_vector_decl(w), ver_name[]), file=dest_file) # Declare all block outputs as wires for w in name_sorted(outputs): print(' wire{:s} {:s};'.format(_verilog_vector_decl(w), ver_name[]), file=dest_file) print('', file=dest_file) # Declare an integer used for init of memories print(' integer tb_iter;', file=dest_file) # Instantiate logic block io_list = ['clk'] + name_list(name_sorted(inputs)) + name_list(name_sorted(outputs)) if add_reset: io_list.insert(1, 'rst') io_list_str = ['.{0:s}({0:s})'.format(w) for w in io_list] print(' toplevel block({:s});\n'.format(', '.join(io_list_str)), file=dest_file) # Generate clock signal print(' always', file=dest_file) print(' #5 clk = ~clk;\n', file=dest_file) # Move through all steps of trace, writing out input assignments per cycle print(' initial begin', file=dest_file) # If a VCD output is requested, set that up if vcd: print(' $dumpfile ("%s");' % vcd, file=dest_file) print(' $dumpvars;\n', file=dest_file) # Initialize clk, and all the registers and memories print(' clk = 0;', file=dest_file) if add_reset: print(' rst = 0;', file=dest_file) for r in name_sorted(registers): print(' block.%s = %d;' % (ver_name[], init_regvalue(r)), file=dest_file) for m in sorted(memories, key=lambda m: max_iter = 1 << m.addrwidth print(' for (tb_iter = 0; tb_iter < %d; tb_iter++) ' 'begin block.mem_%s[tb_iter] = %d; end' % (max_iter,, default_value()), file=dest_file) for ix in range(max_iter): # Now just individually update the memory values that aren't the default val = init_memvalue(, ix) if val is not None: print(' block.mem_%s[%d] = %d;' % (, ix, val), file=dest_file) if simulation_trace: tracelen = max(len(t) for t in simulation_trace.trace.values()) for i in range(tracelen): for w in name_sorted(inputs): print(' {:s} = {:s}{:d};'.format( ver_name[], "{:d}'d".format(len(w)), simulation_trace.trace[][i]), file=dest_file) if cmd: print(' %s' % cmd, file=dest_file) print('\n #10', file=dest_file) # Footer print(' $finish;', file=dest_file) print(' end', file=dest_file) print('endmodule', file=dest_file)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ___ __ __ ___ # |___ | |__) |__) | | # | | | \ | \ | |___ #
[docs] def output_to_firrtl(open_file, rom_blocks=None, block=None): """Output the block as FIRRTL code to the output file. :param open_file: File to write to :param rom_blocks: List of ROM blocks to be initialized :param block: Block to use (defaults to working block) If ROM is initialized in PyRTL code, you can pass in the `rom_blocks` as a list `[rom1, rom2, ...]`. """ block = working_block(block) # FIRRTL only allows 'bits' operations to have two parameters: a high and low # index representing the inclusive bounds of a contiguous range. PyRTL uses # slice syntax, which aren't always contiguous, so we need to convert them. one_bit_selects(block=block) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter,unexpected-keyword-arg # FIRRTL only allows 'concatenate' operations to have two arguments, # but PyRTL's 'c' op allows an arbitrary number of wires. We need to convert # these n-way concats to series of two-way concats accordingly. two_way_concat(block=block) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter,unexpected-keyword-arg f = open_file # write out all the implicit stuff f.write("circuit Example :\n") f.write(" module Example :\n") f.write(" input clock : Clock\n input reset : UInt<1>\n") # write out IO signals, wires and registers for wire in _name_sorted(block.wirevector_subset(Input)): f.write(" input %s : UInt<%d>\n" % (, wire.bitwidth)) for wire in _name_sorted(block.wirevector_subset(Output)): f.write(" output %s : UInt<%d>\n" % (, wire.bitwidth)) for wire in _name_sorted(block.wirevector_subset(exclude=(Input, Output, Register, Const))): f.write(" wire %s : UInt<%d>\n" % (, wire.bitwidth)) for wire in _name_sorted(block.wirevector_subset(Register)): f.write(" reg %s : UInt<%d>, clock\n" % (, wire.bitwidth)) for wire in _name_sorted(block.wirevector_subset(Const)): # some const is in the form like const_0_1'b1, is this legal operation? ="'").pop(0) f.write(" node %s = UInt<%d>(%d)\n" % (, wire.bitwidth, wire.val)) f.write("\n") # write "Main" node_cntr = 0 initializedMem = [] for log_net in _net_sorted(block.logic_subset()): if log_net.op == '&': f.write(" %s <= and(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '|': f.write(" %s <= or(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '^': f.write(" %s <= xor(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == 'n': f.write(" node T_%d = and(%s, %s)\n" % (node_cntr, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) f.write(" %s <= not(T_%d)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, node_cntr)) node_cntr += 1 elif log_net.op == '~': f.write(" %s <= not(%s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name)) elif log_net.op == '+': f.write(" %s <= add(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '-': f.write(" %s <= sub(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '*': f.write(" %s <= mul(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '=': f.write(" %s <= eq(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '<': f.write(" %s <= lt(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == '>': f.write(" %s <= gt(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == 'w': f.write(" %s <= %s\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name)) elif log_net.op == 'x': f.write(" %s <= mux(%s, %s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[2].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == 'c': if len(log_net.args) != 2: raise PyrtlInternalError( "Expected concat net to have only two " "argument wires; has %d" % len(log_net.args) ) f.write(" %s <= cat(%s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.args[1].name)) elif log_net.op == 's': if len(log_net.op_param) != 1: raise PyrtlInternalError( "Expected select net to have single " "select bit; has %d" % len(log_net.op_param) ) f.write(" %s <= bits(%s, %s, %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.args[0].name, log_net.op_param[0], log_net.op_param[0])) elif log_net.op == 'r': f.write(" %s <= mux(reset, UInt<%s>(0), %s)\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.dests[0].bitwidth, log_net.args[0].name)) elif log_net.op == 'm': # if there are rom blocks, need to be initialized if rom_blocks is not None: if not log_net.op_param[0] in initializedMem: initializedMem.append(log_net.op_param[0]) # find corresponding rom block according to memid curr_rom = next((x for x in rom_blocks if == log_net.op_param[0]), None) f.write(" wire %s : UInt<%s>[%s]\n" % (log_net.op_param[1].name, log_net.op_param[1].bitwidth, 2**log_net.op_param[1].addrwidth)) # if rom data is a function, calculate the data first if callable( romdata = [ for i in range(2**curr_rom.addrwidth)] = romdata # write rom block initialization data for i in range(len( f.write(" %s[%s] <= UInt<%s>(%s)\n" % (log_net.op_param[1].name, i, log_net.op_param[1].bitwidth,[i])) # write the connection f.write(" %s <= %s[%s]\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, log_net.op_param[1].name, log_net.args[0].name)) else: if not log_net.op_param[0] in initializedMem: initializedMem.append(log_net.op_param[0]) f.write(" cmem %s_%s : UInt<%s>[%s]\n" % (log_net.op_param[1].name, log_net.op_param[0], log_net.op_param[1].bitwidth, 2**log_net.op_param[1].addrwidth)) f.write(" infer mport T_%d = %s_%s[%s], clock\n" % (node_cntr, log_net.op_param[1].name, log_net.op_param[0], log_net.args[0].name)) f.write(" %s <= T_%d\n" % (log_net.dests[0].name, node_cntr)) node_cntr += 1 elif log_net.op == '@': if not log_net.op_param[0] in initializedMem: initializedMem.append(log_net.op_param[0]) f.write(" cmem %s_%s : UInt<%s>[%s]\n" % (log_net.op_param[1].name, log_net.op_param[0], log_net.op_param[1].bitwidth, 2**log_net.op_param[1].addrwidth)) f.write(" when %s :\n" % log_net.args[2].name) f.write(" infer mport T_%d = %s_%s[%s], clock\n" % (node_cntr, log_net.op_param[1].name, log_net.op_param[0], log_net.args[0].name)) f.write(" T_%d <= %s\n" % (node_cntr, log_net.args[1].name)) f.write(" skip\n") node_cntr += 1 else: pass return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # __ __ __ __ ___ __ # | /__` / /\ /__` |__) |__ |\ | / |__| # | .__/ \__ /~~\ .__/ |__) |___ | \| \__ | | def input_from_iscas_bench(bench, block=None): ''' Import an ISCAS .bench file :param file bench: an open ISCAS .bench file to read :param block: block to add the imported logic (defaults to current working block) ''' import pyparsing from pyparsing import (Word, Literal, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, Suppress, Group, Keyword, one_of) block = working_block(block) try: bench_string = except AttributeError: if isinstance(bench, str): bench_string = bench else: raise PyrtlError('input_from_bench expecting either open file or string') def SKeyword(x): return Suppress(Keyword(x)) def SLiteral(x): return Suppress(Literal(x)) # NOTE: The acceptable signal characters are based on viewing the I/O names # in the available ISCAS benchmark files, and may not be complete. signal_start = pyparsing.alphas + pyparsing.nums + '$:[]_<>\\/?' signal_middle = pyparsing.alphas + pyparsing.nums + '$:[]_<>\\/.?-' signal_id = Word(signal_start, signal_middle) gate_names = "AND OR NAND NOR XOR NOT BUFF DFF" src_list = Group(signal_id + ZeroOrMore(SLiteral(",") + signal_id))("src_list") net_def = Group(signal_id("dst") + SLiteral("=") + one_of(gate_names)("gate") + SLiteral("(") + src_list + SLiteral(")"))("net_def") input_def = Group(SKeyword("INPUT") + SLiteral("(") + signal_id + SLiteral(")"))("input_def") output_def = Group(SKeyword("OUTPUT") + SLiteral("(") + signal_id + SLiteral(")"))("output_def") command_def = input_def | output_def | net_def commands = OneOrMore(command_def)("command_list") parser = commands.ignore(pyparsing.pythonStyleComment) # Begin actually reading and parsing the BENCH file result = parser.parseString(bench_string, parseAll=True) output_to_internal = {} # dict: name -> wire def twire(name): """ Find or make wire named 'name' and return it. """ w = output_to_internal.get(name) if w is None: w = block.wirevector_by_name.get(name) if w is None: w = WireVector(bitwidth=1, name=name) return w for cmd in result["command_list"]: if cmd.getName() == "input_def": _wire_in = Input(bitwidth=1, name=str(cmd[0]), block=block) elif cmd.getName() == "output_def": # Create internal wire for indirection, since Outputs can't be inputs to nets in PyRTL wire_internal = WireVector(bitwidth=1, block=block) wire_out = Output(bitwidth=1, name=str(cmd[0]), block=block) wire_out <<= wire_internal output_to_internal[cmd[0]] = wire_internal elif cmd.getName() == "net_def": srcs = cmd["src_list"] if cmd["gate"] == "AND": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= twire(srcs[0]) & twire(srcs[1]) elif cmd["gate"] == "OR": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= twire(srcs[0]) | twire(srcs[1]) elif cmd["gate"] == "NAND": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= twire(srcs[0]).nand(twire(srcs[1])) elif cmd["gate"] == "NOR": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= ~(twire(srcs[0]) | twire(srcs[1])) elif cmd["gate"] == "XOR": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= twire(srcs[0]) ^ twire(srcs[1]) elif cmd["gate"] == "NOT": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= ~twire(srcs[0]) elif cmd["gate"] == "BUFF": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) dst_wire <<= twire(srcs[0]) elif cmd["gate"] == "DFF": dst_wire = twire(cmd["dst"]) reg = Register(bitwidth=1) <<= twire(srcs[0]) dst_wire <<= reg else: raise PyrtlError("Unexpected gate {%s}" % cmd["gate"]) # Benchmarks like c1196, b18, etc. have inputs and outputs by the # same name, that are therefore directly connected. This pass will # rename the outputs so that this is still okay. for o in block.wirevector_subset(Output): inputs = [i for i in block.wirevector_subset(Input) if ==] if inputs: if len(inputs) > 1: raise PyrtlError("More than one input found with the name %s" % inputs[0].name) i = inputs[0] o_internal = twire( o_internal <<= i = next_tempvar_name() # Ensure the input is the one mapped by the original name block.wirevector_by_name[] = i print("Found input and output wires with the same name. " "Output '%s' has now been renamed to '%s'." % (,