Source code for pyrtl.rtllib.libutils

import pyrtl

[docs] def match_bitwidth(*args): # TODO: allow for custom bit extension functions """ Matches the bitwidth of all of the input arguments. :param WireVector args: input arguments :return: tuple of `args` in order with extended bits """ return pyrtl.match_bitwidth(*args)
[docs] def partition_wire(wire, partition_size): """ Partitions a wire into a list of N wires of size `partition_size`. :param wire: Wire to partition :param partition_size: Integer representing size of each partition The `wire`'s bitwidth must be evenly divisible by `parition_size`. """ if len(wire) % partition_size != 0: raise pyrtl.PyrtlError("Wire {} cannot be evenly partitioned into items of size {}" .format(wire, partition_size)) return [wire[offset:offset + partition_size] for offset in range(0, len(wire), partition_size)]
[docs] def str_to_int_array(string, base=16): """ Converts a string to an array of integer values according to the base specified (int numbers must be whitespace delimited).\n Example: ``"13 a3 3c" => [0x13, 0xa3, 0x3c]`` :return: [int] """ int_strings = string.split() return [int(int_str, base) for int_str in int_strings]
[docs] def twos_comp_repr(val, bitwidth): """Converts a value to its two's-complement (positive) integer representation using a given bitwidth (only converts the value if it is negative). :param val: Integer literal to convert to two's complement :param bitwidth: Size of val in bits For use with :py:meth:`.Simulation.step` etc. in passing negative numbers, which it does not accept. """ correctbw = abs(val).bit_length() + 1 if bitwidth < correctbw: raise pyrtl.PyrtlError("please choose a larger target bitwidth") if val >= 0: return val else: return (~abs(val) & (2 ** bitwidth - 1)) + 1 # flip the bits and add one
[docs] def rev_twos_comp_repr(val, bitwidth): """ Takes a two's-complement represented value and converts it to a signed integer based on the provided `bitwidth`. For use with :py:meth:`.Simulation.inspect` etc. when expecting negative numbers, which it does not recognize """ valbl = val.bit_length() if bitwidth < val.bit_length() or val == 2 ** (bitwidth - 1): raise pyrtl.PyrtlError("please choose a larger target bitwidth") if bitwidth == valbl: # MSB is a 1, value is negative return -((~val & (2 ** bitwidth - 1)) + 1) # flip the bits, add one, and make negative else: return val
def _shifted_reg_next(reg, direct, num=1): """ Creates a shifted 'next' property for shifted (left or right) register.\n Use: ` = shifted_reg_next(myReg, 'l', 4)` :param string direct: direction of shift, either 'l' or 'r' :param int num: number of shifts :return: Register containing reg's (shifted) next state """ if direct == 'l': if num >= len(reg): return 0 else: return pyrtl.concat(reg, pyrtl.Const(0, num)) elif direct == 'r': if num >= len(reg): return 0 else: return reg[num:] else: raise pyrtl.PyrtlError("direction must be specified with 'direct'" "parameter as either 'l' or 'r'")