Source code for pyrtl.rtllib.matrix

from functools import reduce
import builtins

from pyrtl.rtllib import multipliers as mult

from ..wire import Const, WireVector
from ..corecircuits import as_wires, concat, select
from ..pyrtlexceptions import PyrtlError
from ..helperfuncs import formatted_str_to_val

[docs] class Matrix(object): ''' Class for making a Matrix using PyRTL. Provides the ability to perform different matrix operations. ''' # Internally, this class uses a Python matrix of WireVectors. # So, a Matrix is represented as follows for a 2 x 2: # [[WireVector, WireVector], [WireVector, WireVector]]
[docs] def __init__(self, rows, columns, bits, signed=False, value=None, max_bits=64): ''' Constructs a Matrix object. :param int rows: the number of rows in the matrix. Must be greater than 0 :param int columns: the number of columns in the matrix. Must be greater than 0 :param int bits: The amount of bits per WireVector. Must be greater than 0 :param bool signed: Currently not supported (will be added in the future) :param (WireVector/list) value: The value you want to initialize the Matrix with. If a WireVector, must be of size `rows * columns * bits`. If a list, must have `rows` rows and `columns` columns, and every element must fit in `bits` size. If not given, the matrix initializes to 0 :param int max_bits: The maximum number of bits each WireVector can have, even after operations like adding two matrices together results in larger resulting WireVectors :return: a constructed Matrix object ''' if not isinstance(rows, int): raise PyrtlError('Rows must be of type int, instead "%s" ' 'was passed of type %s' % (str(rows), type(rows))) if rows <= 0: raise PyrtlError('Rows cannot be less than or equal to zero. ' 'Rows value passed: %s' % str(rows)) if not isinstance(columns, int): raise PyrtlError('Columns must be of type int, instead "%s" ' 'was passed of type %s' % (str(columns), type(columns))) if columns <= 0: raise PyrtlError('Columns cannot be less than or equal to zero. ' 'Columns value passed: %s' % str(columns)) if not isinstance(bits, int): raise PyrtlError('Bits must be of type int, instead "%s" ' 'was passed of type %s' % (str(bits), type(bits))) if bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError( 'Bits cannot be negative or zero, ' 'instead "%s" was passed' % str(bits)) if max_bits is not None: if bits > max_bits: bits = max_bits self._matrix = [[0 for _ in range(columns)] for _ in range(rows)] if value is None: for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): self._matrix[i][j] = Const(0) elif isinstance(value, WireVector): if value.bitwidth != bits * rows * columns: raise PyrtlError('Initialized bitwidth value does not match ' 'given value.bitwidth: %s, expected: %s' '' % (str(value.bitwidth), str(bits * rows * columns))) for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): start_index = (j * bits) + (i * columns * bits) self._matrix[rows - i - 1][columns - j - 1] =\ as_wires(value[start_index:start_index + bits], bitwidth=bits) elif isinstance(value, list): if len(value) != rows or any(len(row) != columns for row in value): raise PyrtlError('Rows and columns mismatch\n' 'Rows: %s, expected: %s\n' 'Columns: %s, expected: %s' '' % (str(len(value)), str(rows), str(len(value[0])), str(columns))) for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): self._matrix[i][j] = as_wires(value[i][j], bitwidth=bits) else: raise PyrtlError('Initialized value must be of type WireVector or ' 'list. Instead was passed value of type %s' % (type(value))) self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self._bits = bits self.bits = bits self.signed = False self.max_bits = max_bits
@property def bits(self): ''' Gets the number of bits each value is allowed to hold. :return: an integer representing the number of bits ''' return self._bits @bits.setter def bits(self, bits): ''' Sets the number of bits. :param int bits: The number of bits. Must be greater than 0 Called automatically when bits is changed. NOTE: This function will truncate the most significant bits. ''' if not isinstance(bits, int): raise PyrtlError('Bits must be of type int, instead "%s" ' 'was passed of type %s' % (str(bits), type(bits))) if bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError( 'Bits cannot be negative or zero, ' 'instead "%s" was passed' % str(bits)) self._bits = bits for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.columns): self._matrix[i][j] = self._matrix[i][j][:bits] def __len__(self): ''' Gets the output WireVector length. :return: an integer representing the output WireVector bitwidth Used with default ``len()`` function ''' return self.bits * self.rows * self.columns
[docs] def to_wirevector(self): ''' Outputs the PyRTL Matrix as a singular concatenated WireVector. :return: a Wirevector representing the whole PyRTL matrix For instance, if we had a 2 x 1 matrix ``[[wire_a, wire_b]]`` it would return the concatenated wire: ``wire = wire_a.wire_b`` ''' result = [] for i in range(len(self._matrix)): for j in range(len(self._matrix[0])): result.append(as_wires(self[i, j], bitwidth=self.bits)) return as_wires(concat(*result), bitwidth=len(self))
[docs] def transpose(self): ''' Constructs the transpose of the matrix :return: a Matrix object representing the transpose ''' result = Matrix(self.columns, self.rows, self.bits, max_bits=self.max_bits) for i in range(result.rows): for j in range(result.columns): result[i, j] = self[j, i] return result
def __reversed__(self): ''' Constructs the reverse of matrix :return: a Matrix object representing the reverse Used with the ``reversed()`` method ''' result = Matrix(self.rows, self.columns, self.bits, max_bits=self.max_bits) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.columns): result[i, j] = self[self.rows - 1 - i, self.columns - 1 - j] return result def __getitem__(self, key): ''' Accessor for the matrix. :param (int/slice row, int/slice column) key: The key value to get :return: WireVector or Matrix containing the value of key Called when using square brackets (``matrix[...]``). Examples:: int_matrix = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] matrix = Matrix.Matrix(3, 3, 4, value=int_matrix) matrix[1] == [3, 4, 5] matrix[2, 0] == 6 matrix[(2, 0)] = 6 matrix[slice(0, 2), slice(0, 3)] == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] matrix[0:2, 0:3] == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] matrix[:2] == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] matrix[-1] == [6, 7, 8] matrix[-2:] == [[3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] ''' if isinstance(key, tuple): rows, columns = key # First set up proper slice if not isinstance(rows, slice): if not isinstance(rows, int): raise PyrtlError('Rows must be of type int or slice, ' 'instead "%s" was passed of type %s' % (str(rows), type(rows))) if rows < 0: rows = self.rows - abs(rows) if rows < 0: raise PyrtlError("Invalid bounds for rows. Max rows: %s, got: %s" % ( str(self.rows), str(rows))) rows = slice(rows, rows + 1, 1) if not isinstance(columns, slice): if not isinstance(columns, int): raise PyrtlError('Columns must be of type int or slice, ' 'instead "%s" was passed of type %s' % (str(columns), type(columns))) if columns < 0: columns = self.columns - abs(columns) if columns < 0: raise PyrtlError("Invalid bounds for columns. Max columns: %s, got: %s" % ( str(self.columns), str(columns))) columns = slice(columns, columns + 1, 1) if rows.start is None: rows = slice(0, rows.stop, rows.step) elif rows.start < 0: rows = slice(self.rows - abs(rows.start), rows.stop, rows.step) if rows.stop is None: rows = slice(rows.start, self.rows, rows.step) elif rows.stop < 0: rows = slice(rows.start, self.rows - abs(rows.stop), rows.step) rows = slice(rows.start, rows.stop, 1) if columns.start is None: columns = slice(0, columns.stop, columns.step) elif columns.start < 0: columns = slice(self.columns - abs(columns.start), columns.stop, columns.step) if columns.stop is None: columns = slice(columns.start, self.columns, columns.step) elif columns.stop < 0: columns = slice( columns.start, self.columns - abs(columns.stop), columns.step) columns = slice(columns.start, columns.stop, 1) # Check slice bounds if rows.start > self.rows or rows.stop > self.rows \ or rows.start < 0 or rows.stop < 0: raise PyrtlError("Invalid bounds for rows. Max rows: %s, got: %s" % ( str(self.rows), str(rows.start) + ":" + str(rows.stop))) if columns.start > self.columns or columns.stop > self.columns \ or columns.start < 0 or columns.stop < 0: raise PyrtlError("Invalid bounds for columns. Max columns: %s, got: %s" % ( str(self.columns), str(columns.start) + ":" + str(columns.stop))) # If it's a single value we want to return a wirevector if rows.stop - rows.start == 1 and \ columns.stop - columns.start == 1: return as_wires(self._matrix[rows][0][columns][0], bitwidth=self.bits) # Otherwise set up matrix and return that result = [[0 for _ in range(columns.stop - columns.start)] for _ in range(rows.stop - rows.start)] for i in range(len(result)): for j in range(len(result[0])): result[i][j] = self._matrix[i + rows.start][j + columns.start] return Matrix(len(result), len(result[0]), self._bits, signed=self.signed, value=result, max_bits=self.max_bits) # Second case when we just want to get full row if isinstance(key, int): if key < 0: start = self.rows - abs(key) if start < 0: raise PyrtlError('Index %d is out of bounds for ' 'matrix with %d rows' % (key, self.rows)) key = slice(start, start + 1, None) else: key = slice(key, key + 1, None) return self[key, :] # Third case when we want multiple rows if isinstance(key, slice): return self[key, :] # Otherwise improper value was passed raise PyrtlError('Rows must be of type int or slice, ' 'instead "%s" was passed of type %s' % (str(key), type(key))) def __setitem__(self, key, value): ''' Mutator for the matrix. :param (slice/int rows, slice/int columns) key: The key value to set :param Wirevector/int/Matrix value: The value in which to set the key Called when setting a value using square brackets (e.g. ``matrix[a, b] = value``). The `value` given will be truncated to match the bitwidth of all the elements in the matrix. ''' if isinstance(key, tuple): rows, columns = key # First ensure that slices are correct if not isinstance(rows, slice): if not isinstance(rows, int): raise PyrtlError('Rows must be of type int or slice, ' 'instead "%s" was passed of type %s' % (str(rows), type(rows))) rows = slice(rows, rows + 1, 1) if not isinstance(columns, slice): if not isinstance(columns, int): raise PyrtlError('Columns must be of type int or slice, ' 'instead "%s" was passed of type %s' % (str(columns), type(columns))) columns = slice(columns, columns + 1, 1) if rows.start is None: rows = slice(0, rows.stop, rows.step) elif rows.start < 0: rows = slice(self.rows - abs(rows.start), rows.stop, rows.step) if rows.stop is None: rows = slice(rows.start, self.rows, rows.step) elif rows.stop < 0: rows = slice(rows.start, self.rows - abs(rows.stop), rows.step) if columns.start is None: columns = slice(0, columns.stop, columns.step) elif columns.start < 0: columns = slice(self.columns - abs(columns.start), columns.stop, columns.step) if columns.stop is None: columns = slice(columns.start, self.columns, columns.step) elif columns.stop < 0: columns = slice( columns.start, self.columns - abs(columns.stop), columns.step) # Check Slice Bounds if rows.start > self.rows or rows.stop > self.rows \ or rows.start < 0 or rows.stop < 0: raise PyrtlError("Invalid bounds for rows. Max rows: %s, got: %s" % ( str(self.rows), str(rows.start) + ":" + str(rows.stop))) if columns.start > self.columns or columns.stop > self.columns \ or columns.start < 0 or columns.stop < 0: raise PyrtlError("Invalid bounds for columns. Max columns: %s, got: %s" % ( str(self.columns), str(columns.start) + ":" + str(columns.stop))) # First case when setting value to Matrix if isinstance(value, Matrix): if value.rows != (rows.stop - rows.start): raise PyrtlError( 'Value rows mismatch. Expected Matrix ' 'of rows "%s", instead recieved Matrix of rows "%s"' % (str(rows.stop - rows.start), str(value.rows))) if value.columns != (columns.stop - columns.start): raise PyrtlError( 'Value columns mismatch. Expected Matrix ' 'of columns "%s", instead recieved Matrix of columns "%s"' % (str(columns.stop - columns.start), str(value.columns))) for i in range(rows.stop - rows.start): for j in range(columns.stop - columns.start): self._matrix[rows.start + i][columns.start + j] =\ as_wires(value[i, j], bitwidth=self.bits) # Second case when setting value to wirevector elif isinstance(value, (int, WireVector)): if ((rows.stop - rows.start) != 1) or \ ((columns.stop - columns.start) != 1): raise PyrtlError( 'Value mismatch: expected Matrix, instead received WireVector') self._matrix[rows.start][columns.start] = as_wires(value, bitwidth=self.bits) # Otherwise Error else: raise PyrtlError('Invalid value of type %s' % type(value)) else: # Second case if we just want to set a full row if isinstance(key, int): if key < 0: start = self.rows - abs(key) if start < 0: raise PyrtlError('Index %d is out of bounds for ' 'matrix with %d rows' % (key, self.rows)) key = slice(start, start + 1, None) else: key = slice(key, key + 1, None) self[key, :] = value # Third case if we want to set full rows elif isinstance(key, slice): self[key, :] = value else: raise PyrtlError('Rows must be of type int or slice, ' 'instead "%s" was passed of type %s' % (str(key), type(key)))
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Constructs a deep copy of the Matrix. :return: a Matrix copy ''' return Matrix(self.rows, self.columns, self.bits, value=self.to_wirevector(), max_bits=self.max_bits)
def __iadd__(self, other): ''' Perform the in-place addition operation. :return: a Matrix object with the elementwise addition being preformed Is used with ``a += b``. Performs an elementwise addition. ''' new_value = (self + other) self._matrix = new_value._matrix self.bits = new_value._bits return self.copy() def __add__(self, other): ''' Perform the addition operation. :return: a Matrix object with the element wise addition being performed Is used with `a + b`. Performs an elementwise addition. ''' if not isinstance(other, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(other)) if self.columns != other.columns: raise PyrtlError('error: columns mismatch. ' 'Matrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s rows' % (str(self.columns), str(other.columns))) elif self.rows != other.rows: raise PyrtlError('error: row mismatch. ' 'Matrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s column' % (str(self.rows), str(other.rows))) new_bits = self.bits if other.bits > new_bits: new_bits = other.bits result = Matrix(self.rows, self.columns, new_bits + 1, max_bits=self.max_bits) for i in range(result.rows): for j in range(result.columns): result[i, j] = self[i, j] + other[i, j] return result def __isub__(self, other): ''' Perform the inplace subtraction opperation. :Matrix other: the PyRTL Matrix to subtract :return: a Matrix object with the element wise subtraction being performed Is used with ``a -= b``. Performs an elementwise subtraction. ''' new_value = self - other self._matrix = new_value._matrix self._bits = new_value._bits return self.copy() def __sub__(self, other): ''' Perform the subtraction operation. :Matrix other: the PyRTL Matrix to subtract :return: a Matrix object with the elementwise subtraction being performed Is used with ``a - b``. Performs an elementwise subtraction. Note: If using unsigned numbers, the result will be floored at 0. ''' if not isinstance(other, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(other)) if self.columns != other.columns: raise PyrtlError('error: columns mismatch. ' 'Matrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s rows' % (str(self.columns), str(other.columns))) if self.rows != other.rows: raise PyrtlError('error: row mismatch. ' 'Matrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s column' % (str(self.rows), str(other.rows))) new_bits = self.bits if other.bits > new_bits: new_bits = other.bits result = Matrix(self.rows, self.columns, new_bits, max_bits=self.max_bits) for i in range(result.rows): for j in range(result.columns): if self.signed: result[i, j] = self[i, j] - other[i, j] else: result[i, j] = select(self[i, j] > other[i, j], self[i, j] - other[i, j], Const(0)) return result def __imul__(self, other): ''' Perform the in-place multiplication operation. :param Matrix/Wirevector other: the Matrix or scalar to multiply :return: a Matrix object with the resulting multiplication operation being preformed Is used with `a *= b`. Performs an elementwise or scalar multiplication. ''' new_value = self * other self._matrix = new_value._matrix self._bits = new_value._bits return self.copy() def __mul__(self, other): ''' Perform the elementwise or scalar multiplication operation. :param Matrix/Wirevector other: the Matrix to multiply :return: a Matrix object with the resulting multiplication operation being performed Is used with ``a * b``. ''' if isinstance(other, Matrix): if self.columns != other.columns: raise PyrtlError('error: columns mismatch. ' 'Martrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s rows' % (str(self.columns), str(other.columns))) if self.rows != other.rows: raise PyrtlError('error, row mismatch ' 'Martrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s column' % (str(self.rows), str(other.rows))) bits = self.bits + other.bits elif isinstance(other, WireVector): bits = self.bits + len(other) else: raise PyrtlError('Expecting a Matrix or WireVector ' 'got %s instead' % type(other)) result = Matrix(self.rows, self.columns, bits, max_bits=self.max_bits) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.columns): if isinstance(other, Matrix): result[i, j] = self[i, j] * other[i, j] else: result[i, j] = self[i, j] * other return result def __imatmul__(self, other): ''' Performs the inplace matrix multiplication operation. :param Matrix other: the second matrix. :return: a PyRTL Matrix that contains the matrix multiplication product of this and other Is used with ``a @= b``. Note: The matmul symbol (``@``) only works in Python 3.5+. Otherwise you must call ``__imatmul__(other)``. ''' new_value = self.__matmul__(other) self.columns = new_value.columns self.rows = new_value.rows self._matrix = new_value._matrix self._bits = new_value._bits return self.copy() def __matmul__(self, other): ''' Performs the matrix multiplication operation. :param Matrix other: the second matrix. :return: a PyRTL Matrix that contains the matrix multiplication product of this and other Is used with ``a @ b``. Note: The matmul symbol (`@`) only works in Python 3.5+. Otherwise you must call ``__matmul__(other)``. ''' if not isinstance(other, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(other)) if self.columns != other.rows: raise PyrtlError('error: rows and columns mismatch. ' 'Matrix a: %s columns, Matrix b: %s rows' % (str(self.columns), str(other.rows))) result = Matrix(self.rows, other.columns, self.columns * other.rows * (self.bits + other.bits), max_bits=self.max_bits) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(other.columns): for k in range(self.columns): result[i, j] = mult.fused_multiply_adder( self[i, k], other[k, j], result[i, j], signed=self.signed) return result def __ipow__(self, power): ''' Performs the matrix power operation. :param int power: the power to perform the matrix on :return: a PyRTL Matrix that contains the matrix power product Is used with ``a **= b``. ''' new_value = self ** power self._matrix = new_value._matrix self._bits = new_value._bits return self.copy() def __pow__(self, power): ''' Performs the matrix power operation. :param int power: the power to perform the matrix on :return: a PyRTL Matrix that contains the matrix power product Is used with ``a ** b``. ''' if not isinstance(power, int): raise PyrtlError('Unexpected power given. Type int expected, ' 'but recieved type %s' % type(power)) if self.rows != self.columns: raise PyrtlError("Matrix must be square") result = self.copy() # First case: return identity matrix if power == 0: for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.columns): if i != j: result[i, j] = Const(0) else: result[i, j] = Const(1) return result # Second case: do matrix multiplications if power >= 1: inputs = [result] * power def pow_2(first, second): return first.__matmul__(second) return reduce(pow_2, inputs) raise PyrtlError('Power must be greater than or equal to 0')
[docs] def put(self, ind, v, mode='raise'): ''' Replace specified elements of the matrix with given values :param int/list[int]/tuple[int] ind: target indices :param int/list[int]/tuple[int]/Matrix row-vector v: values to place in matrix at target indices; if `v` is shorter than `ind`, it is repeated as necessary :param str mode: how out-of-bounds indices behave; ``raise`` raises an error, ``wrap`` wraps around, and ``clip`` clips to the range Note that the index is on the flattened matrix. ''' count = self.rows * self.columns if isinstance(ind, int): ind = (ind,) elif not isinstance(ind, (tuple, list)): raise PyrtlError("Expected int or list-like indices, got %s" % type(ind)) if isinstance(v, int): v = (v,) if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)) and len(v) == 0: return elif isinstance(v, Matrix): if v.rows != 1: raise PyrtlError( "Expected a row-vector matrix, instead got matrix with %d rows" % v.rows ) if mode not in ['raise', 'wrap', 'clip']: raise PyrtlError( "Unexpected mode %s; allowable modes are 'raise', 'wrap', and 'clip'" % mode ) def get_ix(ix): if ix < 0: ix = count - abs(ix) if ix < 0 or ix >= count: if mode == 'raise': raise PyrtlError("index %d is out of bounds with size %d" % (ix, count)) elif mode == 'wrap': ix = ix % count elif mode == 'clip': ix = 0 if ix < 0 else count - 1 return ix def get_value(ix): if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): if ix >= len(v): return v[-1] # if v is shorter than ind, repeat last as necessary return v[ix] elif isinstance(v, Matrix): if ix >= count: return v[0, -1] return v[0, ix] for v_ix, mat_ix in enumerate(ind): mat_ix = get_ix(mat_ix) row = mat_ix // self.columns col = mat_ix % self.columns self[row, col] = get_value(v_ix)
[docs] def reshape(self, *newshape, **order): ''' Create a matrix of the given shape from the current matrix. :param int/ints/tuple[int] newshape: shape of the matrix to return; if a single int, will result in a 1-D row-vector of that length; if a tuple, will use values for number of rows and cols. Can also be a varargs. :param str order: ``C`` means to read from self using row-major order (C-style), and ``F`` means to read from self using column-major order (Fortran-style). :return: A copy of the matrix with same data, with a new number of rows/cols One shape dimension in newshape can be -1; in this case, the value for that dimension is inferred from the other given dimension (if any) and the number of elements in the matrix. Examples:: int_matrix = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]] matrix = Matrix.Matrix(2, 4, 4, value=int_matrix) matrix.reshape(-1) == [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] matrix.reshape(8) == [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] matrix.reshape(1, 8) == [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] matrix.reshape((1, 8)) == [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] matrix.reshape((1, -1)) == [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] matrix.reshape(4, 2) == [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]] matrix.reshape(-1, 2) == [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]] matrix.reshape(4, -1) == [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]] ''' # python2 does not support named arguments after *args, so we use # **kwargs for 'order' and set the default here. order = order.get('order', 'C') count = self.rows * self.columns if isinstance(newshape, int): if newshape == -1: newshape = (1, count) else: newshape = (1, newshape) elif isinstance(newshape, tuple): if isinstance(newshape[0], tuple): newshape = newshape[0] if len(newshape) == 1: newshape = (1, newshape[0]) if len(newshape) > 2: raise PyrtlError("length of newshape tuple must be <= 2") rows, cols = newshape if not isinstance(rows, int) or not isinstance(cols, int): raise PyrtlError( "newshape dimensions must be integers, instead got %s" % type(newshape) ) if rows == -1 and cols == -1: raise PyrtlError("Both dimensions in newshape cannot be -1") if rows == -1: rows = count // cols newshape = (rows, cols) elif cols == -1: cols = count // rows newshape = (rows, cols) else: raise PyrtlError( "newshape can be an integer or tuple of integers, not %s" % type(newshape) ) rows, cols = newshape if rows * cols != count: raise PyrtlError( "Cannot reshape matrix of size %d into shape %s" % (count, str(newshape)) ) if order not in 'CF': raise PyrtlError( "Invalid order %s. Acceptable orders are 'C' (for row-major C-style order) " "and 'F' (for column-major Fortran-style order)." % order ) value = [[0] * cols for _ in range(rows)] ix = 0 if order == 'C': # Read and write in row-wise order for newr in range(rows): for newc in range(cols): r = ix // self.columns c = ix % self.columns value[newr][newc] = self[r, c] ix += 1 else: # Read and write in column-wise order for newc in range(cols): for newr in range(rows): r = ix % self.rows c = ix // self.rows value[newr][newc] = self[r, c] ix += 1 return Matrix(rows, cols, self.bits, self.signed, value, self.max_bits)
[docs] def flatten(self, order='C'): ''' Flatten the matrix into a single row. :param str order: ``C`` means row-major order (C-style), and ``F`` means column-major order (Fortran-style) :return: A copy of the matrix flattened in to a row vector matrix ''' return self.reshape(self.rows * self.columns, order=order)
[docs] def multiply(first, second): ''' Perform the elementwise or scalar multiplication operation. :param Matrix first: first matrix :param Matrix/Wirevector second: second matrix :return: a Matrix object with the element wise or scalar multiplication being performed ''' if not isinstance(first, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(second)) return first * second
[docs] def sum(matrix, axis=None, bits=None): ''' Returns the sum of all the values in a matrix :param Matrix/Wirevector matrix: the matrix to perform sum operation on. If it is a WireVector, it will return itself :param None/int axis: The axis to perform the operation on None refers to sum of all item. 0 is sum of column. 1 is sum of rows. Defaults to None :param int bits: The bits per value of the sum. Defaults to bits of old matrix :return: A WireVector or Matrix representing sum ''' def sum_2(first, second): return first + second if isinstance(matrix, WireVector): return matrix if not isinstance(matrix, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix or Wirevector for matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(matrix)) if not isinstance(bits, int) and bits is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int/None for bits, ' 'got %s instead' % type(bits)) if not isinstance(axis, int) and axis is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int or None for axis, ' 'got %s instead' % type(axis)) if bits is None: bits = matrix.bits if bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError('error: bits cannot be negative or zero, ' 'got %s instead' % bits) if axis is None: inputs = [] for i in range(matrix.rows): for j in range(matrix.columns): inputs.append(matrix[i, j]) return reduce(sum_2, inputs) if axis == 0: result = Matrix(1, matrix.columns, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.columns): inputs = [] for j in range(matrix.rows): inputs.append(matrix[j, i]) result[0, i] = reduce(sum_2, inputs) return result if axis == 1: result = Matrix(1, matrix.rows, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.rows): inputs = [] for j in range(matrix.columns): inputs.append(matrix[i, j]) result[0, i] = reduce(sum_2, inputs) return result raise PyrtlError('Axis invalid: expected (None, 0, or 1), got %s' % axis)
[docs] def min(matrix, axis=None, bits=None): ''' Returns the minimum value in a matrix. :param Matrix/Wirevector matrix: the matrix to perform min operation on. If it is a WireVector, it will return itself :param None/int axis: The axis to perform the operation on None refers to min of all item. 0 is min of column. 1 is min of rows. Defaults to None :param int bits: The bits per value of the min. Defaults to bits of old matrix :return: A WireVector or Matrix representing the min value ''' def min_2(first, second): return select(first < second, first, second) if isinstance(matrix, WireVector): return matrix if not isinstance(matrix, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix or Wirevector for matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(matrix)) if not isinstance(bits, int) and bits is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int/None for bits, ' 'got %s instead' % type(bits)) if not isinstance(axis, int) and axis is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int or None for axis, ' 'got %s instead' % type(axis)) if bits is None: bits = matrix.bits if bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError('error: bits cannot be negative or zero, ' 'got %s instead' % bits) if axis is None: inputs = [] for i in range(matrix.rows): for j in range(matrix.columns): inputs.append(matrix[i, j]) return reduce(min_2, inputs) if axis == 0: result = Matrix(1, matrix.columns, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.columns): inputs = [] for j in range(matrix.rows): inputs.append(matrix[j, i]) result[0, i] = reduce(min_2, inputs) return result if axis == 1: result = Matrix(1, matrix.rows, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.rows): inputs = [] for j in range(matrix.columns): inputs.append(matrix[i, j]) result[0, i] = reduce(min_2, inputs) return result raise PyrtlError('Axis invalid: expected (None, 0, or 1), got %s' % axis)
[docs] def max(matrix, axis=None, bits=None): ''' Returns the max value in a matrix. :param Matrix/Wirevector matrix: the matrix to perform max operation on. If it is a WireVector, it will return itself :param None/int axis: The axis to perform the operation on None refers to max of all items. 0 is max of the columns. 1 is max of rows. Defaults to None :param int bits: The bits per value of the max. Defaults to bits of old matrix :return: A WireVector or Matrix representing the max value ''' def max_2(first, second): return select(first > second, first, second) if isinstance(matrix, WireVector): return matrix if not isinstance(matrix, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix or WireVector for matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(matrix)) if not isinstance(bits, int) and bits is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int/None for bits, ' 'got %s instead' % type(bits)) if not isinstance(axis, int) and axis is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int or None for axis, ' 'got %s instead' % type(axis)) if bits is None: bits = matrix.bits if bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError('error: bits cannot be negative or zero, ' 'got %s instead' % bits) if axis is None: inputs = [] for i in range(matrix.rows): for j in range(matrix.columns): inputs.append(matrix[i, j]) return reduce(max_2, inputs) if axis == 0: result = Matrix( 1, matrix.columns, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.columns): inputs = [] for j in range(matrix.rows): inputs.append(matrix[j, i]) result[0, i] = reduce(max_2, inputs) return result if axis == 1: result = Matrix( 1, matrix.rows, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.rows): inputs = [] for j in range(matrix.columns): inputs.append(matrix[i, j]) result[0, i] = reduce(max_2, inputs) return result raise PyrtlError('Axis invalid: expected (None, 0, or 1), got %s' % axis)
[docs] def argmax(matrix, axis=None, bits=None): ''' Returns the index of the max value of the matrix. :param Matrix/Wirevector matrix: the matrix to perform argmax operation on. If it is a WireVector, it will return itself :param None/int axis: The axis to perform the operation on. None refers to argmax of all items. 0 is argmax of the columns. 1 is argmax of rows. Defaults to None :param int bits: The bits per value of the argmax. Defaults to bits of old matrix :return: A WireVector or Matrix representing the argmax value NOTE: If there are two indices with the same max value, this function picks the first instance. ''' if isinstance(matrix, WireVector): return Const(0) if not isinstance(matrix, Matrix): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix or Wirevector for matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(matrix)) if not isinstance(bits, int) and bits is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int/None for bits, ' 'got %s instead' % type(bits)) if not isinstance(axis, int) and axis is not None: raise PyrtlError('error: expecting an int or None for axis, ' 'got %s instead' % type(axis)) if bits is None: bits = matrix.bits if bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError('error: bits cannot be negative or zero, ' 'got %s instead' % bits) max_number = max(matrix, axis=axis, bits=bits) if axis is None: index = Const(0) arg = matrix.rows * matrix.columns - 1 for i in reversed(range(matrix.rows)): for j in reversed(range(matrix.columns)): index = select( max_number == matrix[i, j], Const(arg), index) arg -= 1 return index if axis == 0: result = Matrix( 1, matrix.columns, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.columns): local_max = max_number[0, i] index = Const(0) arg = matrix.rows - 1 for j in reversed(range(matrix.rows)): index = select( local_max == matrix[j, i], Const(arg), index) arg -= 1 result[0, i] = index return result if axis == 1: result = Matrix( 1, matrix.rows, signed=matrix.signed, bits=bits) for i in range(matrix.rows): local_max = max_number[0, i] index = Const(0) arg = matrix.columns - 1 for j in reversed(range(matrix.columns)): index = select( local_max == matrix[i, j], Const(arg), index) arg -= 1 result[0, i] = index return result
[docs] def dot(first, second): ''' Performs the dot product on two matrices. :param Matrix first: the first matrix :param Matrix second: the second matrix :return: a PyRTL Matrix that contains the dot product of the two PyRTL Matrices Specifically, the dot product on two matrices is: * If either `first` or `second` are WireVectors/have both rows and columns equal to 1, it is equivalent to :py:meth:`.Matrix.__mul__` * If both `first` and `second` are both arrays (have rows or columns equal to 1), it is inner product of vectors. * Otherwise it is :py:meth:`.Matrix.__matmul__` between `first` and `second` NOTE: Row vectors and column vectors are both treated as arrays ''' if not isinstance(first, (WireVector, Matrix)): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix, ' 'got %s instead' % type(first)) if not isinstance(second, (WireVector, Matrix)): raise PyrtlError('error: expecting a Matrix/WireVector, ' 'got %s instead' % type(second)) # First case when it is multiply if isinstance(first, WireVector): if isinstance(second, WireVector): return first * second return second[:, :] * first if isinstance(second, WireVector): return first[:, :] * second if (first.rows == 1 and first.columns == 1) \ or (second.rows == 1 and second.columns == 1): return first[:, :] * second[:, :] # Second case when it is Inner Product if first.rows == 1: if second.rows == 1: return sum(first * second) if second.columns == 1: return sum(first * second.transpose()) elif first.columns == 1: if second.rows == 1: return sum(first * second.transpose()) if second.columns == 1: return sum(first * second) # Third case when it is Matrix Multiply return first.__matmul__(second)
[docs] def hstack(*matrices): """ Stack matrices in sequence horizontally (column-wise). :param list[Matrix] matrices: a list of matrices to concatenate one after another horizontally :return Matrix: a new Matrix, with the same number of rows as the original, with a bitwidth equal to the max of the bitwidths of all the matrices All the matrices must have the same number of rows and same 'signed' value. For example:: m1 = Matrix(2, 3, bits=5, value=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]) m2 = Matrix(2, 1, bits=10, value=[[17], [23]]]) m3 = hstack(m1, m2) ``m3`` looks like:: [[1,2,3,17], [4,5,6,23]] """ if len(matrices) == 0: raise PyrtlError("Must supply at least one matrix to hstack()") if any([not isinstance(matrix, Matrix) for matrix in matrices]): raise PyrtlError("All arguments to hstack must be matrices.") if len(matrices) == 1: return matrices[0].copy() new_rows = matrices[0].rows if any([m.rows != new_rows for m in matrices]): raise PyrtlError("All matrices being hstacked together must have the same number of rows") new_signed = matrices[0].signed if any([m.signed != new_signed for m in matrices]): raise PyrtlError("All matrices being hstacked together must have the same signedness") new_cols = builtins.sum(m.columns for m in matrices) new_bits = builtins.max(m.bits for m in matrices) new_max_bits = builtins.max(m.max_bits for m in matrices) new = Matrix(new_rows, new_cols, new_bits, max_bits=new_max_bits) new_c = 0 for matrix in matrices: for c in range(matrix.columns): for r in range(matrix.rows): new[r, new_c] = matrix[r, c] new_c += 1 return new
[docs] def vstack(*matrices): """ Stack matrices in sequence vertically (row-wise). :param list[Matrix] matrices: a list of matrices to concatenate one after another vertically :return Matrix: a new Matrix, with the same number of columns as the original, with a bitwidth equal to the max of the bitwidths of all the matrices All the matrices must have the same number of columns and same 'signed' value. For example:: m1 = Matrix(2, 3, bits=5, value=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]) m2 = Matrix(1, 3, bits=10, value=[[7,8,9]]) m3 = vstack(m1, m2) ``m3`` looks like:: [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]] """ if len(matrices) == 0: raise PyrtlError("Must supply at least one matrix to hstack()") if any([not isinstance(matrix, Matrix) for matrix in matrices]): raise PyrtlError("All arguments to vstack must be matrices.") if len(matrices) == 1: return matrices[0].copy() new_cols = matrices[0].columns if any([m.columns != new_cols for m in matrices]): raise PyrtlError("All matrices being vstacked together must have the " "same number of columns") new_signed = matrices[0].signed if any([m.signed != new_signed for m in matrices]): raise PyrtlError("All matrices being hstacked together must have the same signedness") new_rows = builtins.sum(m.rows for m in matrices) new_bits = builtins.max(m.bits for m in matrices) new_max_bits = builtins.max(m.max_bits for m in matrices) new = Matrix(new_rows, new_cols, new_bits, max_bits=new_max_bits) new_r = 0 for matrix in matrices: for r in range(matrix.rows): for c in range(matrix.columns): new[new_r, c] = matrix[r, c] new_r += 1 return new
[docs] def concatenate(matrices, axis=0): """ Join a sequence of matrices along an existing axis. :param list[Matrix] matrices: a list of matrices to concatenate one after another :param int axis: axis along which to join; 0 is horizontally, 1 is vertically (defaults to 0) :return: a new Matrix composed of the given matrices joined together This function essentially wraps hstack/vstack. """ if axis == 0: return hstack(*matrices) elif axis == 1: return vstack(*matrices) else: raise PyrtlError("Only allowable axes are 0 or 1")
[docs] def matrix_wv_to_list(matrix_wv, rows, columns, bits): ''' Convert a wirevector representing a matrix into a Python list of lists. :param WireVector matrix_wv: result of calling to_wirevector() on a Matrix object :param int rows: number of rows in the matrix `matrix_wv` represents :param int columns: number of columns in the matrix `matrix_wv` represents :param int bits: number of bits in each element of the matrix `matrix_wv` represents :return list[list[int]]: a Python list of lists This is useful when printing the value of a wire you've inspected during Simulation that you know represnts a matrix. Example:: values = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] rows = 2 cols = 3 bits = 4 m = Matrix.Matrix(rows, cols, bits, values=values) output = Output(name='output') output <<= m.to_wirevector() sim = Simulation() sim.step({}) raw_matrix = Matrix.matrix_wv_to_list(sim.inspect('output'), rows, cols, bits) print(raw_matrix) # Produces: # [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] ''' value = bin(matrix_wv)[2:].zfill(rows * columns * bits) result = [[0 for _ in range(columns)] for _ in range(rows)] bit_pointer = 0 for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): int_value = int(value[bit_pointer: bit_pointer + bits], 2) result[i][j] = int_value bit_pointer += bits return result
[docs] def list_to_int(matrix, n_bits): ''' Convert a Python matrix (a list of lists) into an integer. :param list[list[int]] matrix: a pure Python list of lists representing a matrix :param int n_bits: number of bits to be used to represent each element; if an element doesn't fit in `n_bits`, it truncates the most significant bits :return int: a `N * n_bits` wide WireVector containing the elements of `matrix`, where `N` is the number of elements in `matrix` Integers that are signed will automatically be converted to their two's complement form. This function is helpful for turning a pure Python list of lists into a integer suitable for creating a Constant WireVector that can be passed in to as a Matrix constructor's `value` argument, or for passing into a Simulation's step function for a particular input wire. For example, calling Matrix.list_to_int([3, 5], [7, 9], 4) produces 13,689, which in binary looks like this:: 0011 0101 0111 1001 Note how the elements of the list of lists were added, 4 bits at a time, in row order, such that the element at row 0, column 0 is in the most significant 4 bits, and the element at row 1, column 1 is in the least significant 4 bits. Here's an example of using it in simulation:: a_vals = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] b_vals = [[2, 4, 6], [8, 10, 12]] a_in = pyrtl.Input(4 * 4, 'a_in') b_in = pyrtl.Input(6 * 4, 'b_in') a = Matrix.Matrix(2, 2, 4, value=a_in) b = Matrix.Matrix(2, 3, 4, value=b_in) ... sim = pyrtl.Simulation() sim.step({ 'a_in': Matrix.list_to_int(a_vals) 'b_in': Matrix.list_to_int(b_vals) }) ''' if n_bits <= 0: raise PyrtlError("Number of bits per element must be positive, instead got %d" % n_bits) result = 0 for i in range(len(matrix)): for j in range(len(matrix[0])): val = formatted_str_to_val(str(matrix[i][j]), 's' + str(n_bits)) result = (result << n_bits) | val return result