Source code for pyrtl.rtllib.testingutils

import pyrtl
import random

""" testcase_utils

This file (intentionally misspelled) is created to store common utility
functions used for the test cases.

I am documenting this rather well because users have
a good reason to look at it - John Clow

def calcuate_max_and_min_bitwidths(max_bitwidth=None, exact_bitwidth=None):
    if max_bitwidth is not None:
        min_bitwidth = 1
    elif exact_bitwidth is not None:
        min_bitwidth = max_bitwidth = exact_bitwidth
        raise pyrtl.PyrtlError("A max or exact bitwidth must be specified")
    return min_bitwidth, max_bitwidth

def inverse_power_dist(bitwidth):
    # Note that this is not uniformly distributed
    return int(2**random.uniform(0, bitwidth) - 1)

def uniform_dist(bitwidth):
    return random.randrange(2**bitwidth)

[docs] def make_inputs_and_values(num_wires, max_bitwidth=None, exact_bitwidth=None, dist=uniform_dist, test_vals=20): """ Generates multiple input wires and sets of test values for testing purposes :param function dist: function to generate the random values :return: wires; list of values for the wires The list of values is a list of lists. The interior lists represent the values of a single wire for all of the simulation cycles """ min_bitwidth, max_bitwidth = calcuate_max_and_min_bitwidths(max_bitwidth, exact_bitwidth) wires, vals = list(zip(*( an_input_and_vals(random.randrange(min_bitwidth, max_bitwidth + 1), test_vals, random_dist=dist) for i in range(num_wires)))) return wires, vals
[docs] def an_input_and_vals(bitwidth, test_vals=20, name='', random_dist=uniform_dist): """ Generates an input wire and a set of test values for testing purposes :param bitwidth: The bitwidth of the value to be generated :param int test_vals: number of values to generate per wire :param name: name for the input wire to be generated :return: tuple of `input_wire`, `test_values` """ input_wire = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth, name=name) # Creating a new input wire test_vals = [random_dist(bitwidth) for i in range(test_vals)] return input_wire, test_vals
# deprecated name generate_in_wire_and_values = an_input_and_vals
[docs] def make_consts(num_wires, max_bitwidth=None, exact_bitwidth=None, random_dist=inverse_power_dist): """ :return: [Const_wires]; [Const_vals] """ min_bitwidth, max_bitwidth = calcuate_max_and_min_bitwidths(max_bitwidth, exact_bitwidth) bitwidths = [random.randrange(min_bitwidth, max_bitwidth + 1) for i in range(num_wires)] wires = [pyrtl.Const(random_dist(b), b) for b in bitwidths] vals = [w.val for w in wires] return wires, vals
[docs] def sim_and_ret_out(outwire, inwires, invals): """ Simulates the net using `inwires` and `invals`, and returns the output array. Used for rapid test development. :param outwire: The wire to return the output of :param inwires: a list of wires to read in from (`[Input, ...]`) :param invals: a list of input value lists (`[ [int, ...], ...]`) :return: a list of values from the output wire simulation result """ # Pulling the value of outwire straight from the log return sim_and_ret_outws(inwires, invals)[]
[docs] def sim_and_ret_outws(inwires, invals): """ Simulates the net using `inwires` and `invals`, and returns the output array. Used for rapid test development. :param inwires: a list of wires to read in from (`[Input, ...]`) :param invals: a list of input value lists (`[[int, ...], ...]`) :return: a list of values from the output wire simulation result """ sim_trace = pyrtl.SimulationTrace() # Creating a logger for the simulator sim = pyrtl.Simulation(tracer=sim_trace) # Creating the simulation for cycle in range(len(invals[0])): sim.step({ val[cycle] for wire, val in zip(inwires, invals)}) return sim_trace.trace # Pulling the value of wires straight from the trace
[docs] def sim_multicycle(in_dict, hold_dict, hold_cycles, sim=None): # TODO: write param and return descriptions """ Simulation of a circuit that takes multiple cycles to complete. :param in_dict: :param hold_dict: :param hold_cycles: :param sim: :return: """ if sim is None: sim = pyrtl.Simulation(tracer=pyrtl.SimulationTrace()) sim.step(in_dict) for i in range(hold_cycles): sim.step(hold_dict) return sim.tracer.trace[-1]
[docs] def multi_sim_multicycle(in_dict, hold_dict, hold_cycles, sim=None): # TODO: write param and return descriptions """ Simulates a circuit that takes multiple cycles to complete multiple times. :param in_dict: `{in_wire: [in_values, ...], ...}` :param hold_dict: `{hold_wire: hold_value}` The hold values for the :param hold_cycles: :param sim: :return: """ if sim is None: sim = pyrtl.Simulation(tracer=pyrtl.SimulationTrace()) cycles = len(list(in_dict.values())[0]) for cycle in range(cycles): current_dict = {wire: values[cycle] for wire, values in in_dict} cur_result = sim_multicycle(current_dict, hold_dict, hold_cycles, sim) if cycle == 0: results = {wire: [result_val] for wire, result_val in cur_result} else: for wire, result_val in cur_result: results[wire].append(result_val) return results